[QUOTE="Redfingers"][QUOTE="Sloughy07"][QUOTE="-Reggaeton-"] I didnt know GT5,ME,FF13 and halo3 was out yet. WOW must be cool getting them half a year before anyone else.
Enjoying the same few tracks in forza2 over and over and OVER again? I dont.
Are you for real there is 12 i repeat 12 location and all have different variations for each location.
Also do you really think that this game will not get any Xbox Live support. I can assure you there will be a TON of extra content and support for this game via cars tracks the works for a longtime to come.
Wow. 12 locations, huh. Weren't all you kids crying and laughing about Motorstorm having only 8 tracks? But 4 more, oh, 4 more, now it's AMAZING! 12 tracks, holy flipping s***! I wonder how amazing Motorstorm will be when they add a few maps with the next update. Maybe it'll even be as Forza! Give me a break. This game is high-AA to low-AAA. That's not amazing, that's not "future GT ownage," that's nothing. You got a good game, congratulations, I don't care. I wouldn't even buy it if I owned a 360. Stuff it already.
And I won't even address "Halo versus Killzone" and "ME versus FF" because neither of us have any idea how that will turn out.
Plus, it looks like you forgot something: UT3, Resistance Fall of Man, Resistance Rise of Man, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Oh, look, your argument's losing ground already. Funny.
lol, thats hilarious, the ULTIMATE FANBOY RANT. awsome.
yeah lol doesnt he realise ut3 is multiplat? why do cows always use that against halo when us lemmings are getting it anyway? also u sed there were only 12 tracks... yes there is however theres hundreds of combinations..trust me when u play the mugello track on the demo thats just the smaller track....you can do the full GP track..then theres reverse... trust me forza is an absolutely stunning game and the online is excellent, something im doubting GT5 will live up to atm imo
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