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you forgot dead or alive code chronus....and why is it that no one ever mentions RARE?st1ka
unlike cows, lemmings wait for a game to be announced before we hype it. ZING!!
Rare currently didnt announce anything.
[QUOTE="Episode_Eve"]That's definitely a nice list. MS doesn't talk to much about future games (far off). But still, PS3's upcoming library is much more interesting and appealing to me.Lem_President
many of their games arent even dated for 09.
I know lol. Notice how I stated that they don't do things differently. Still, from what we know, I'm more excited for PS3's forgot dead or alive code chronus....and why is it that no one ever mentions RARE?st1kaYou think it will be as good with Itagaki and almost half of Team ninja gone?
[QUOTE="GabeBlack"]Has Mass Effect 2 been confirmed for 09?Lem_President
its no more confirmed then GT5, GOW3, Heavy Rain, MAG, DC Universe, and FFV13.
yet cows list them for 09 anyway.
The difference is that all of these games are at least been announce. ME2 is rumoured to be in development, not een the platforms are know.
I personally dont see the problem here. 360 has a fine upcoming 09. And MS likes to be in the habit of announcing games within the year of release now.
Stoked - A exclusive snowboarding game. Probably a AE, but hey, thats still a A.
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad - still an exclusive lol
Race Pro - Made from the Race sim pros that make GTR for PC.
Halo Wars - This will be huge, despite its criticism. Will sell millions guaranteed and be at least AA, after all C&C 3 got almost a 9.
Halo 3: ODST - Even for an expansion....this will be HUGE and everybody know it.
Ninety Nine Nights 2 - Could be an A. Devs can always improve.
Star Ocean - The 360s White Knight.
Ninja Blade - A ninja gaiden clone, but since when is that a bad thing?
Forza 3
E3 announcements - Probably another Scene It, Lips 2.
Cry On - the next Mistwalker jrpg
Multiplats only found on the Xbox 360 console (notice how I didnt say "exclusive")
Mass Effect 2
Alan Wake
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Good list, but misses most major games, the most huge WRPG's too
Here is a full one
====Xbox 360 exclusives & PC/360 only games
====Western RPG's
==Fable 2 expansions
(pics from December one, but i bet will be more in 2009)
==Divinity 2
==Mass Effect 2 (pics from ME1, but since it is a sequel will look even better)
==Two Worlds Temptation
Xbox360 video
==Dungeon Hero
==White Gold
==Fallout 3 exclusive expansion
3 expansions
====Japanese RPG's
==Star Ocean 4
==Cry On (Mistwalker)
==Kingdom Under Fire 2: Dominion
HD video
==Halo Wars
==Alan Wake
HD video
Downloadable previews
==Action - Ninja Blade
==Survival - Dead Island
==Stealth - Splinter Cell Conviction
Halo games
And many others like
2ond confirmed Lionhead game
New Rare titles
Champions Online (MMO)
Age of Conan (MMO)
The secret world (MMO)
Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers (Xbox Live Arcade)
Blue Dragon 2
Magna Carta 2
Shadow of Aten
Shadow Harvest
Battle for Atlantis
Darkest of Days
The Crossing
Huxley (MMOFPS)
Postal III
Prey 2
All Points Bulletin MMO
Project Progressive
Dead or Alive: Code Cronus
The Maw
Forza 3
Race pro
====Multiplatforms (PC/360/PS3 or PS3/360)
Final Fantasy 13
Dragon Age
Aliens Colonial Marines
Aliens RPG
Resident Evil 5
Overlord 2
Sacred 2
Gothic 4
Alpha Protocol
Project Witches
Crusaders: Invasion of Constantinople
Lord of Shadows (konami)
Fairytale Fights
Troll & Armor
Skate 2
Operation Flashpoint 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Brutal Legend
[QUOTE="Lem_President"][QUOTE="GabeBlack"]Has Mass Effect 2 been confirmed for 09?DarkyC
its no more confirmed then GT5, GOW3, Heavy Rain, MAG, DC Universe, and FFV13.
yet cows list them for 09 anyway.
The difference is that all of these games are at least been announce. ME2 is rumoured to be in development, not een the platforms are know.
the game is a planned trilogy for the 360.
whos still believes mass effect 2 will be exclusive to 360/pc. EA owns it now and they'll make it for ps3.-Y2J-
MS cheque book says otherwise.
whos still believes mass effect 2 will be exclusive to 360/pc. EA owns it now and they'll make it for ps3.-Y2J-
Finished with the unfounded silly assumptions ?
Now to some facts
After EA acquired BioWare, the future of Mass Effect was uncertain and once Microsoft confirmed it no longer owns the publishing rights of the series, every Mass Effect fan thought they will eventually see the game on the PlayStation 3. Well, that won't be the case.
Speaking to CVG, BioWare senior manager Matt Atwood revealed that the sequel will definitely be an Xbox 360 exclusive and, like the first game, it may eventually be released on PC.
Even though the first concrete images or information are long in arriving, Matt Atwood (PR Manager, Bioware) has affirmed and clarified to us that Mass Effect 2 will remain exclusive on the Xbox 360, at least in "the universe of the consoles of the living room." Yeah, eventually a version PC will be born after the second versions release, which is not a great surprise considering this kind of action already took place with the first episode.
Muzyka: We have no plans currently to pursue that. Our focus is pure and simple; it's to deliver the best game possible for our fans with Mass Effect, and that's an Xbox 360 exclusive. Microsoft's a great partner... and they've really helped build the value of the product and we're proud to work with them.
1. Mass Effect 2 is a direct sequel to ME1, will continue the story of the first, which is 100% 360 console exclusive
2. You can import heroes from ME1 into ME2
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]Jesus.......the PS3 has no chance next year, look at that lineup.Lem_President
didnt necessarily say that.
then again, only Infamous, White Knight, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, and another Rachet are confirmed for 09.
GOW 3, GT5, FF13, MAG, and god knows what else is only wishful thinking. they arent dated yet and could very well slip intom 2010.
GT5 is Confirmed for 2009 in America, and FFXIII and FFXIII Versus are Confirmed 2009 in Japan, I dont know about America yet. If you want proof look at the Square Enix list for 2009, I can't post a link from my PS3 :)[QUOTE="-Y2J-"]whos still believes mass effect 2 will be exclusive to 360/pc. EA owns it now and they'll make it for ps3.Lem_President
MS cheque book says otherwise.
So you admit to MS bribing Devs and Gaming websitesJesus.......the PS3 has no chance next year, look at that lineup.Floppy_JimYes the PS3 will surrender, that is one "killer" lineup rofl :roll: In all Honestly the 360 2008 lineup looked better than their 2009 one, and even that wasn't as good as the PS3's lineup from 2008.
whos still believes mass effect 2 will be exclusive to 360/pc. EA owns it now and they'll make it for ps3.-Y2J-
MS cheque book says otherwise.
So you admit to MS bribing Devs and Gaming websites It's not called bribing for exclusives >_>[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="Lem_President"]So you admit to MS bribing Devs and Gaming websites It's not called bribing for exclusives >_> I said bribing people, not for what just in general? im tryin to avoid the whole conspiracy angleMS cheque book says otherwise.
[QUOTE="Lem_President"][QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]Jesus.......the PS3 has no chance next year, look at that lineup.WalterPaladines
didnt necessarily say that.
then again, only Infamous, White Knight, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, and another Rachet are confirmed for 09.
GOW 3, GT5, FF13, MAG, and god knows what else is only wishful thinking. they arent dated yet and could very well slip intom 2010.
GT5 is Confirmed for 2009 in America, and FFXIII and FFXIII Versus are Confirmed 2009 in Japan, I dont know about America yet. If you want proof look at the Square Enix list for 2009, I can't post a link from my PS3 :)FFV13 isnt dated at all. GT5 is "hoped" to release in 09.
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="Lem_President"]Well ok if were talking everything then your right, but are we just talking exclusives or everythingwhy?
360 gets them.
PS3 doesnt. This isnt rocket science.
To see whos is better, you gotta see ALL VARIABLES, not just one aspect. That includes games one console has that the other doesnt, exclusive or not.
everything offcourse. how else do u decide who wins? by comparing only exclusives???? all factors hold weight. that includes downloadable games, and console exclusives, even hardware sales to a degree.
Cows like to downplay 360/PC games because they dont have ties to the PC market like MS does. It simply isnt convienent for them :lol:
Don't you know? Every cow owns a high end PC where they could play the better version.....duh:P
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]Jesus.......the PS3 has no chance next year, look at that lineup.WalterPaladinesYes the PS3 will surrender, that is one "killer" lineup rofl :roll: In all Honestly the 360 2008 lineup looked better than their 2009 one, and even that wasn't as good as the PS3's lineup from 2008. Ah wuz kidding.
Microsoft is milking Halo like Nintendo does Mario now.Dragonfly_Jones
Halo doesn't have baseball, soccer, racing and 8 party games
Topic: 360 lineup looks great.
Its not that the xbox 360 has a bad lineup for 09 its just the ps3 is better so far...fistoflight
But how do you say that ?
Can you name some exclusive WRPG's of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Two Worlds Temptation, Venetica, Divinity 2, Precusrors, Dungeon Hero, Age of Conan, Fallout 3 expansions, Fable 2 expansions, Mass Effect 2, The secret World ?
Can you name some exclusive JRPG's of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Star Ocean 4, Cry On ?
Can you name some exclusive Strategy titles of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Kingdom Under Fire 2:Dominion, Dawn of Fantasy, Majesty 2 and Halo Wars ?
Can you name some exclusive Rareware like games of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Rare games that are to be revealed for 2009 ?
Can you name some exclusive adventures of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Alan Wake and Theseis ?
Can you name some exclusive survival horror games of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Dead Island ?
Can you name some exclusive shooters of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Warhound ?
Can you name some exclusive action titles of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Ninja Blade and Ninty Nine Nights 2 ?
So, what does PS3 have really ? GOW3 and FF13vs are probably 2010 titles, Team ICO game is coming in 2010 or 2011
As for White Knight, that is a very mediocre looking RPG, with dated visuals and very badly scripted/animated combat, very amateur job
Heavy Rain does look good, but it is a series of quick time events, not a huge free roaming adventure like Alan Wake
Genreally PS3 offerings are few, far between and mostly hype, than real sunbstance and amazing next gen huge worlds, for exmaple PS3 has absolutly nothing like Alan Wake, Two Worlds Temptation etc in 2009
Here is the lineup with pics
[QUOTE="fistoflight"]Its not that the xbox 360 has a bad lineup for 09 its just the ps3 is better so far...obamanian
But how do you say that ?
Can you name some exclusive WRPG's of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Two Worlds Temptation, Venetica, Divinity 2, Precusrors, Dungeon Hero, Age of Conan, Fallout 3 expansions, Fable 2 expansions, Mass Effect 2, The secret World ? ome of those havent even been announced yet and two worlds is coming t the ps3. Now can you have games like the agency, free realms, dc universe online, 3 excluisve mmorpg from nc soft? no you cant
Can you name some exclusive JRPG's of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Star Ocean 4, Cry On ? Final fantasy versus 13, tears to tiara, white knight chronicles, dark cloud 3...
Can you name some exclusive Strategy titles of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Kingdom Under Fire 2:Dominion, Dawn of Fantasy, Majesty 2 and Halo Wars ? Mos tof those games u listed besides halo wars is intresting...
Can you name some exclusive Rareware like games of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Rare games that are to be revealed for 2009 ?Lmao? can you name games like team ico and rock star exclusive, and famous david jaffe games?
Can you name some exclusive adventures of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Alan Wake and Theseis ? Yes uncharted 2, and infamous.
Can you name some exclusive survival horror games of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Dead Island ? LMao dead island? is that the best you got? What about siren blood curse for the ps3?
Can you name some exclusive shooters of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Warhound ? Yes killzone 2... you just got pwned
Can you name some exclusive action titles of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Ninja Blade and Ninty Nine Nights 2 ? Yes quanthom theory, and demon souls. Yes heavy rain...
So, what does PS3 have really ? GOW3 and FF13vs are probably 2010 titles, Team ICO game is coming in 2010 or 2011 Lmao no dude no they been in development fo rover 3 years ow u expect a game to be in development for 2 more years? 5 years no dude no.... this is just epic fail right here
As for White Knight, that is a very mediocre looking RPG, with dated visuals and very badly scripted/animated combat, very amateur job
Heavy Rain does look good, but it is a series of quick time events, not a huge free roaming adventure like Alan Wake LMao mediocore jprg? wow man your really being dumb
Genreally PS3 offerings are few, far between and mostly hype, than real sunbstance and amazing next gen huge worlds, for exmaple PS3 has absolutly nothing like Alan Wake, Two Worlds Temptation etc in 2009 Ad note most of the games you listed ARE ALSO ON PC WHICH MEANS THEY AREN'T EXCLUSIVE PHAIL.
Here is the lineup with pics
Get ready to get pwned
Now can you name a great looking game taht has already been announced to compete with the following that I did not mention up there...
War devil
Gran turismo 5
Rockstar project
twisted metal ps3
La noire
Massive action game
way of the samurai 3
Yakuza 3
Lord of vermillion
Nobi nobi boy
Eye dentify
and the 5 intenral rpg in development for the ps3 right now...
So what do you got?
[QUOTE="obamanian"][QUOTE="fistoflight"]Its not that the xbox 360 has a bad lineup for 09 its just the ps3 is better so far...fistoflight
But how do you say that ?
Can you name some exclusive WRPG's of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Two Worlds Temptation, Venetica, Divinity 2, Precusrors, Dungeon Hero, Age of Conan, Fallout 3 expansions, Fable 2 expansions, Mass Effect 2, The secret World ? ome of those havent even been announced yet and two worlds is coming t the ps3. Now can you have games like the agency, free realms, dc universe online, 3 excluisve mmorpg from nc soft? no you cant
Can you name some exclusive JRPG's of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Star Ocean 4, Cry On ? Final fantasy versus 13, tears to tiara, white knight chronicles, dark cloud 3...
Can you name some exclusive Strategy titles of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Kingdom Under Fire 2:Dominion, Dawn of Fantasy, Majesty 2 and Halo Wars ? Mos tof those games u listed besides halo wars is intresting...
Can you name some exclusive Rareware like games of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Rare games that are to be revealed for 2009 ?Lmao? can you name games like team ico and rock star exclusive, and famous david jaffe games?
Can you name some exclusive adventures of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Alan Wake and Theseis ? Yes uncharted 2, and infamous.
Can you name some exclusive survival horror games of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusive Dead Island ? LMao dead island? is that the best you got? What about siren blood curse for the ps3?
Can you name some exclusive shooters of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Warhound ? Yes killzone 2... you just got pwned
Can you name some exclusive action titles of PS3 in 2009, like the 360 exclusives Ninja Blade and Ninty Nine Nights 2 ? Yes quanthom theory, and demon souls. Yes heavy rain...
So, what does PS3 have really ? GOW3 and FF13vs are probably 2010 titles, Team ICO game is coming in 2010 or 2011 Lmao no dude no they been in development fo rover 3 years ow u expect a game to be in development for 2 more years? 5 years no dude no.... this is just epic fail right here
As for White Knight, that is a very mediocre looking RPG, with dated visuals and very badly scripted/animated combat, very amateur job
Heavy Rain does look good, but it is a series of quick time events, not a huge free roaming adventure like Alan Wake LMao mediocore jprg? wow man your really being dumb
Genreally PS3 offerings are few, far between and mostly hype, than real sunbstance and amazing next gen huge worlds, for exmaple PS3 has absolutly nothing like Alan Wake, Two Worlds Temptation etc in 2009 Ad note most of the games you listed ARE ALSO ON PC WHICH MEANS THEY AREN'T EXCLUSIVE PHAIL.
Here is the lineup with pics
Get ready to get pwned
Now can you name a great looking game taht has already been announced to compete with the following that I did not mention up there...
War devil
Gran turismo 5
Rockstar project
twisted metal ps3
La noire
Massive action game
way of the samurai 3
Yakuza 3
Lord of vermillion
Nobi nobi boy
Eye dentify
and the 5 intenral rpg (rumored) in development for the ps3 right now...
So what do you got?
Hahaha, what do i got ?
Western RPG's, huge worlds - Two Worlds Temptation, Venetica, Divinity 2: Ego Dragonis, Dungeon Hero, Precursors, Mass Effect 2
I already won, but let's go on
Japanese RPGs, stunning visuals (unlike WKC on PS3) - Star Ocean 4, Cry On
Adventures, Theseis and Alan Wake with the unique huge free roaming world
Survival Horror - Dead Island, huge free roaming zombie infested island
Srategy - KUF2: Dominion, sequel to the amazing KUF games on xbox1, with epic visuals and battles, Dawn of Fantasy, Majest 2 and Halo Wars
BTW LA Noire iscoming to 360, and the above games you mentioned are mostly indifferent titles, Lord of vermillion does not even exist, 5 rumored RPG's that will probably never appear, and a ... massive action game ? What is that supposed to be ?
Games on PS3 I'm interested in 2009 - Killzone 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Infamous. Games on 360 I'm interested in - Nothing. Cool. Looks like PS3 won my wallet in 2009.Watercube
Of course, if you do not have a 360, why be interested in games you never get to play ?
That does not make the far superior to PS3 lineup of 360 any less appealing though, since i have both systems, and buying 3-4 PS3 games in 2009 while i will get day one about 15 games on 360, mostly huge RPG's that PS3 could only dream of
[QUOTE="Watercube"]Games on PS3 I'm interested in 2009 - Killzone 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Infamous. Games on 360 I'm interested in - Nothing. Cool. Looks like PS3 won my wallet in 2009.obamanian
Of course, if you do not have a 360, why be interested in games you never get to play ?
That does not make the far superior to PS3 lineup of 360 any less appealing though, since i have both systems, and buying 3-4 PS3 games in 2009 while i will get day one about 15 games on 360, mostly huge RPG's that PS3 could only dream of
I have a 360. Have fun with that. Not saying you can't enjoy 360, genius.[QUOTE="obamanian"][QUOTE="Watercube"]Games on PS3 I'm interested in 2009 - Killzone 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Infamous. Games on 360 I'm interested in - Nothing. Cool. Looks like PS3 won my wallet in 2009.Watercube
Of course, if you do not have a 360, why be interested in games you never get to play ?
That does not make the far superior to PS3 lineup of 360 any less appealing though, since i have both systems, and buying 3-4 PS3 games in 2009 while i will get day one about 15 games on 360, mostly huge RPG's that PS3 could only dream of
I have a 360. Have fun with that. Not saying you can't enjoy 360, genius.So, you mean you are not interested in Alan Wake, Star Ocean 4, Mass Effect 2, KUF2, Warhound etc ?
Strange, but if that is how you feel, well it is fine with me i suppose, you did seem like one more PS3 fanboy though, since it is rather strange to have zero interest in such huge titles, and have interest in KZ2 and Infamous for example
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