Note: I've left the Wii out of this as I consider in a different class the PS3 and 360, not better, not worse, just different.
Ok some recently posted evidence on this very website indicates that at the moment Microsoft are selling the 360 for no profit and no loss. However, when you sell 8.5million Halo 3s you make a hefty chunk of money back.
MS have also just launched a newer version of the 360, that has got to be helping with their costs.
Lastly for this bit MS charge for XBox Live - it costs to run it and so they charge for it.
Sony even selling the PS3 for £120 more in the UK than the 360 pro version, are making a loss on the PS3. However, to a certain degree the continued sales of PS2s and PS2 software helps to soften that blow.
PS3's online is free, however, it costs Sony money to run.
All this leads to the fact that at some point Sony will no longer be able to keep subsidising the PS3 so either they keep trying to make it cheaper to manufacture or they have to keep their price up.
£300 or £180 what would you pay for a next gen console
So Microsoft are making bucks out of the 360 and Sony are not out of the PS3 why would you think that MS will drop the 360?
Ok next point - Resistance 2 has just come out on the PS3 it has some lovely panoramic shots but when it comes down to it it's an ok looking ok playing shooter - and that's the best exclusive on PS3???
All of the games I've seen that have come out on PS3 and XBox and have been compared, the PS3 has lost in comparison, whether it's jaggies, frame rates, resolution whatever, nearly everytime it looses.
Want some specifcs again on this very website you can find this info, Fallout 3 - better on 360, GTAIV - better on 360 need I go on?
Oh and can you remember the PS2 being touted as the emotion engine and how amazing it would be - just how much better than a DC was it in the end?
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