I think the difference between Sony exclusives and MS exclusives games difference in graphics comes down to the almighty dollar lol. I really believe since the 360 is SO easy to program for that devs really don't take to the time to push it that hard. But with the ps3 devs do got to take the time to really get it going and since they are working longer on the project why not really try to push the system during the process, and by doing so they see things that are amiss and tend to them, hence the feeling of big games on the ps3 feeling more polished. You know not having enemies getting stuck on corners, menu screens feeling smoother and just smoother gameplay action on screen ie: Rfom, R2, mgs4, Uncharted, R&C:tod, gt5p, wipeouthd, and so on. Those games really play buttery smooth for what you are seeing and experiencing on the screen. Heck Gears I felt like the cutscenes couldn't even play with out looking choppy or I couldn't take a couple of steps to feel like a skipped one here and there.
I think its the combination of money that is saved on just putting games out quickly for the 360, the use of the cell in combination of the rsx gpu in the ps3 (animations and amount on screen) that seperates the ps3 graphics from the 360 and will keep getting seperated more as long as MS keeps making devs to hold to certain time tables with its releases just to make quick money on its releases. The only dev I know of that has had that freedom with MS is the one's making Alan Wake. Heck I think most people even realise that Bunjie left because of some of those issues with MS and their time constraints on projects.
P.S. Just like to state that KZ2 was built from the ground up with its own graphics engine within 4 years which is a normal time period when doing so for a game. Unreal engine was first shown off in late 04 and early 05 to not produce a game til Gears in 06 I think so they had a good 3 to 4 years to do the engine and game.
I cant believe it but for the first time i agree with you.
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