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Copying Sony AGAIN I see. Gee, I wonder how much this thoughtful "option" will cost?ironcreedSony copied Nintendo AGAIN I see.
m$ know how to copy copy and copy they have never though up anything of their own
Although the Wiimote (and the SIXAXIS, under certain conditions) already enjoy the luxuries that tilting can bring, it looks like those sticking with Microsoft's console will now be able to get in on fun as well. Thanks to a partnership with "specialist peripheral makers" Talismoon, the highly-regarded tiltBoard is reportedly getting an commercial makeover as it readies itself for "mass production." Details are admittedly scant right now, but the forthcoming product -- "which will bring tilt sensitivity for the Xbox 360 to the masses" -- is said to be "worth the wait" from its presumably jovial creator. And if you can't visualize just how spiffy it'd be to control your 360 titles without touching the analog or D-pad, be sure to click on through to see what the tiltBoard can do for you.OXIIIIXO
Also check link for VIDEO!
[QUOTE="DementedDragon"]Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery.  ^_^
If they come out with an HD-DVD/Blu-Ray drive though, i'll be laughing for sure.
Gotta love the cows
Sony copied MS's controller from 10 years ago
and somehow MS copies sony
so tell me, where is this time machine you have?Â
Ugh... the conventional controller is working just fine for Microsoft this gen, why ruin it?slothboyadvance...Just like the DVD format?
And seeing how it isnt even MS making this
the cows still are crying when the face is their controller copied MS not only with moton tilt, but the center button.
 cry cry cry, and yet to acknowledge it yet. Even if MS did produce this, how can they copy something THEY CREATED, sorry but no matter what happens, Sony copied MS
Damnit Nintendo. You had to bring your motion sensing crap into this generation and ruin everything.purplemidgetsStop being such a fanboy..
[QUOTE="ironcreed"]Copying Sony AGAIN I see. Gee, I wonder how much this thoughtful "option" will cost?lawlessxhow do you know they're copying sony?..they could be copying off nintendo. oh and if you wanna talk about stealing ideas..noticed that button thats at the center of the ps3 controller? wanna guess the name of the HANDHELD console that had that first?Sure why not......PSP anyone?
Can anyone point out a particular line in the article where it says or hints MS is behind this? waynehead895most intelligent comment here and completely ignored. In fact - can anyone point out a line saying what company is behind this, or give any proof that this exists, outside of someone making a fake YouTube video? Third parties made a mouse controller for the 360 too, omg, MS is totally copying uh... IBM, those jerks, with mouse controls... oh wait, it's a third party accessory that got crappy reviews because it barely functions.
I am going to repeat what a few have said here, but just a few facts here:
1. this is a third party making it. not microsoft. microsoft is as closely tied to this product as they are to mod chips for the original xbox
2. this will work with any game that uses the analogue stick. the motion sensor takes over for the analogue stick
3. this is 100% optional. if you want motion sensing, you can get motion sensing, if you don't want it, you don't have to get it.
I see. So sad after all that talk they finally came to the conclusion of copying sony.TheXGamekillerYeah because this is a MS thing here. PPl Don't read links anymore.
[QUOTE="slothboyadvance"]Ugh... the conventional controller is working just fine for Microsoft this gen, why ruin it?theheavydrinker...Just like the DVD format? *Puts in DVD formatted Gears of War* What do ya know. It still works.
Copying Sony AGAIN I see. Gee, I wonder how much this thoughtful "option" will cost?ironcreedlol. MS copying sony. you wish.
lmao this is the first time I've ever seen fanboys complain about something new coming in for their system of choice
and Im with you guys 100% Wii gameplay suits the contoller, Ps3 although a fun novelty its still an afterthought
360 its just like wtf why add it now.Â
lmao this is the first time I've ever seen fanboys complain about something new coming in for their system of choice
and Im with you guys 100% Wii gameplay suits the contoller, Ps3 although a fun novelty its still an afterthought
360 its just like wtf why add it now.
Thieves, but Wii will still sell much more than xflop 360PhanrangMore ppl who don't read links. Assuming MS is behind this.
Screw that. i'm not buying new freaking controlers for my 360. I bet it cost $60+ Its just not worth it to buy a new set. and I bet many people will agree with me. If I want Motion control I'll go play the system where it was done right the first time (my wii)laughingman42he's right... if i want a motion sensing controller i wont go and buy that remote... i'll buy the wii ... (btw... if anyone read my other post, the one that says some bad things about the wii... it's my friend who's sitting next to me who typed it in)
OMG!! MS please stop trying to hang with sony lol. This competition between MS and Sony is so funny. A song comes to mind when I think of the competition between these 2 companies... "Anything you can do I can do better, no you cant! Yes I can! No you cant! Anything you can do i can do better" come on peeps, sing along Ahammer80Its from Talismoon not Microsoft
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