K well here it is the 360 a dead console.
Yes I know everyone thinks I'm nuts but just hear me out. Games are getting bigger and bigger right??? Hell even MGS4 was to big for the blu-ray disk. So what's that got to do with it??? Well think about it the blu-ray is the only disk we got right now that can keep up with the games right. So all Sony has to do is say "sorry m-soft you don't get the blu-ray" and boom m-soft is out of the major console race. That's y at E3 thay where showing all the little kiddy friendly games cus they know if they don't make major inroads into that market now then Nintendo is going to crush them come next round of consoles. Plz if you can think of a reason I'm wrong let me know but other then maybe trying to stream games live (witch would have all kinds of lag and loading problems) I don't see how m-soft has a real next next-gen console
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