PS3 gets Bioshock a year later and this is a victory of some sort? it must be sad only owning a PS3johnnyblazed88
I personally wouldnt know, but im sure tehre doing just fine.
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PS3 gets Bioshock a year later and this is a victory of some sort? it must be sad only owning a PS3johnnyblazed88
I personally wouldnt know, but im sure tehre doing just fine.
[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]Such a tired & full nonsense argument against the 360 that every time I see it used, blood shoots outta my eyes. :?
Yeah, how long has Mass Effect been considered one of 360's games that is 360/PC yet to this day, no PC version yet - soon, May 27th but hell the 360 owners have played the game out and have moved or moving on to the tiles for 2008, those that are already here & those coming.
Weak man, just so damn weak.
I can see Cows not minding and will play them on thier super computer ( no, not the PS3 :lol: ) since they seem to love Teh Waiting. :P
Well the fact that you say your moving on shows that maybe those AAA games aren't so AAA. I mean every game I think is awesome is still played by me, no matter how old it is.
Again weak, just so weak !I played M.E for about three months straight and just like GTA4 that scored 10, in a few months I will be playing NG2, Too Human and others as well.
Hell I went back to M.E. some time ago to complete the DLC mission and now that's done as well. :roll:
The sooner people realize that if a Game goes to PC its not a Exclusive anymore, the sooner SW will become a more intellegent place. black_awpN1
rightttt but then cows will say well if its on pc its still ps3 exclusive lol. simple fact even if it goes to pc pc is strictly a 90% windows *microsoft* platform, and it still ain't going to the wii or the ps3 so its exclusive.
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]The sooner people realize that if a Game goes to PC its not a Exclusive anymore, the sooner SW will become a more intellegent place. WilliamRLBaker
rightttt but then cows will say well if its on pc its still ps3 exclusive lol. simple fact even if it goes to pc pc is strictly a 90% windows *microsoft* platform, and it still ain't going to the wii or the ps3 so its exclusive.
Has there really been that many PS3 Exclusives that went to PC?
While I agree that the 360's heaviest hitters are all made by 3rd parties and can some day end up on multiple platforms, I think you're pretty wrong TC.
NG2 could go to the PS3, but I doubt it. I think you're painting the picture of "doom" for the 360 because you want the future to be doomed for the 360.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]The sooner people realize that if a Game goes to PC its not a Exclusive anymore, the sooner SW will become a more intellegent place. black_awpN1
rightttt but then cows will say well if its on pc its still ps3 exclusive lol. simple fact even if it goes to pc pc is strictly a 90% windows *microsoft* platform, and it still ain't going to the wii or the ps3 so its exclusive.
Has there really been that many PS3 Exclusives that went to PC?
no because about 60-70% of exclusive ps3 games released so far have been made by inhouse sony developers.
But exclusives have been released on pc, and its simple fanboy logic to think that cows will be exempt from those tendencies is silly.
PS3 gets Bioshock a year later and this is a victory of some sort? it must be sad only owning a PS3johnnyblazed88
Nothing stands out on the 360 anymore..
while the PS3 still have
Heavy Rain
War Devil
God of War 3
Final Fantasy versus And VIII
Twisted Metal
Eight Days
White Knight Story
and the list just go on
Who cares? We will have already played those games, beat them, and moved on.leilamayhemobviously the people that havent played them. duh.
This is really hilarious because Bioshock was never exclusive. This is like when cows say GTA is a Playstation franchise, when it's always been available on the PC and started on the PC.
The PC is a platform. If a console game is on the PC, that game is not exclusive to a particular console because it's available in more than one place.
[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]Such a tired & full nonsense argument against the 360 that every time I see it used, blood shoots outta my eyes. :?
Yeah, how long has Mass Effect been considered one of 360's games that is 360/PC yet to this day, no PC version yet - soon, May 27th but hell the 360 owners have played the game out and have moved or moving on to the tiles for 2008, those that are already here & those coming.
Weak man, just so damn weak.
I can see Cows not minding and will play them on thier super computer ( no, not the PS3 :lol: ) since they seem to love Teh Waiting. :P
Well the fact that you say your moving on shows that maybe those AAA games aren't so AAA. I mean every game I think is awesome is still played by me, no matter how old it is.
Wow, its funny the only game can i think on the 360 that is exclusive again is the Halo series..:lol:
Bioshock coming to the PS3 is great news for all the people who didnt have the chance to play it yet..
Ninja Gaiden 2 is most likely coming to the PS3 in the future since its up to Tecmo and not Itagaki..Its getting worst to own the 360 this year and even the future..
Gears of War? Banjo? Fable? Alan Wake? Splinter Cell (new one is 360 exclusive)? Halo Wars? Too Human? Dead or Alive (if PS3 owners count Tekken I'll count DOA)? Forza? Hell, this is just my opinion but I thought Prey deserved a 9.
Those are just the most well known ones.
And Bioshock for PS3 is great news for PS3 owners. I've had it for almost a year now and I still find myself playing it every once in a while.
And Ninja Gaiden 2 is published by Microsoft.
Seriously, if this is a joke topic how did you manage to interpret losing one exclusive game as "losing all its exclusive games"?
While I agree that the 360's heaviest hitters are all made by 3rd parties and can some day end up on multiple platforms, I think you're pretty wrong TC.
NG2 could go to the PS3, but I doubt it. I think you're painting the picture of "doom" for the 360 because you want the future to be doomed for the 360.
[QUOTE="johnnyblazed88"]PS3 gets Bioshock a year later and this is a victory of some sort? it must be sad only owning a PS3Damrightfresh
Nothing stands out on the 360 anymore..
while the PS3 still have
Heavy Rain
War Devil
God of War 3
Final Fantasy versus And VIII
Twisted Metal
Eight Days
White Knight Story
and the list just go on
Cows just never learn with their lists of games that "put MS to shame". I bet half of those flop. But who knows? Maybe not. The problem with you all hyping games you know next to nothing about is it can come back to haunt you, like most ps3 exclusives have done so far.
You all have a really bad habit of hyping games too far in advance. It's apart of the "just wait" issue.
[QUOTE="Damrightfresh"][QUOTE="johnnyblazed88"]PS3 gets Bioshock a year later and this is a victory of some sort? it must be sad only owning a PS3TBoogy
Nothing stands out on the 360 anymore..
while the PS3 still have
Heavy Rain
War Devil
God of War 3
Final Fantasy versus And VIII
Twisted Metal
Eight Days
White Knight Story
and the list just go on
Cows just never learn with their lists of games that "put MS to shame". I bet half of those flop. But who knows? Maybe not. The problem with you all hyping games you know next to nothing about is it can come back to haunt you, like most ps3 exclusives have done so far.
You all have a really bad habit of hyping games too far in advance. It's apart of the "just wait" issue.
at ps3 rate, 90% will be a flop, i dont remember correctly, maybe someone can help me out but wasn't uncharterd the only excusive that didn't flop?
[QUOTE="TBoogy"][QUOTE="Damrightfresh"][QUOTE="johnnyblazed88"]PS3 gets Bioshock a year later and this is a victory of some sort? it must be sad only owning a PS3jiggawho2006
Nothing stands out on the 360 anymore..
while the PS3 still have
Heavy Rain
War Devil
God of War 3
Final Fantasy versus And VIII
Twisted Metal
Eight Days
White Knight Story
and the list just go on
Cows just never learn with their lists of games that "put MS to shame". I bet half of those flop. But who knows? Maybe not. The problem with you all hyping games you know next to nothing about is it can come back to haunt you, like most ps3 exclusives have done so far.
You all have a really bad habit of hyping games too far in advance. It's apart of the "just wait" issue.
at ps3 rate, 90% will be a flop, i dont remember correctly, maybe someone can help me out but wasn't uncharterd the only excusive that didn't flop?
Yup cows never do learn, I mean hyping the getaway!??? lol;title;0
the sequel is even crappier;title;2
Oh and let's not forget about killzone;title;1
Now let's look at the xbox 360 line up which has mostly proven franchises and proven developers behind it
Ninja gaiden 2;title;3
Banjo Kazooie;title;1
Fable 2;title;1
Gears of war 2;title;2rs
Halo wars
(Developer of the age of empires series)
Too human
(Developer of eternal darkness)
Viva pinata 2;title;0
Alan wake
(developer of the max payne series, one of the best franchises imo)
Wow, its funny the only game can i think on the 360 that is exclusive again is the Halo series..:lol:
Bioshock coming to the PS3 is great news for all the people who didnt have the chance to play it yet..
Ninja Gaiden 2 is most likely coming to the PS3 in the future since its up to Tecmo and not Itagaki..Its getting worst to own the 360 this year and even the future..
Ninja Gaiden 2 is never coming, it is 100% excluisive and MS published, do not be dilluted, would be like Halo 3, Lost oDyssey, or Blue Dragon come to PS3
Bioshock was never 100% excluisve, and a PS3 port was always possible, same as happened with Overlor, Eternal Sonata etc
Now you can relax, 360 best exclusives are still 100% excluisves, like Halo, Gears, JRPG's, Mass Effectm Fable 2, Banjo 3, etc etc etc
The sooner people realize that if a Game goes to PC its not a Exclusive anymore, the sooner SW will become a more intellegent place. black_awpN1
Yes, xbox 360 library is better than the ps3's everyone knows that. It was a year ahead expect it. Dont feel special, it's ps3 hardware thats better than the 360's.dark-warmachine
that is why the blu-ray has to have mandatory installs on most games just so the PS3 can play them? right.....
I rather have Bioshock as a timed exclusive than exclusives like Haze and all the other garbage on PS3StreetRacer91
actually according to Ubisoft they said that Haze is a ps3 exclusive FOR NOW.... hmmm.... wonder oh wonder what that means. timed release anyone?
Now let's look at the xbox 360 line up which has mostly proven franchises and proven developers behind it
Ninja gaiden 2;title;3
Banjo Kazooie;title;1
Fable 2;title;1
Gears of war 2;title;2rs
Halo wars
(Developer of the age of empires series)
Too human
(Developer of eternal darkness)
Viva pinata 2;title;0
Alan wake
(developer of the max payne series, one of the best franchises imo)
Dude, none of the games even touch MGS4. PS3 fans can boast all they want.
[QUOTE="Norule04"]Now let's look at the xbox 360 line up which has mostly proven franchises and proven developers behind it
Ninja gaiden 2;title;3
Banjo Kazooie;title;1
Fable 2;title;1
Gears of war 2;title;2rs
Halo wars
(Developer of the age of empires series)
Too human
(Developer of eternal darkness)
Viva pinata 2;title;0
Alan wake
(developer of the max payne series, one of the best franchises imo)
Dude, none of the games even touch MGS4. PS3 fans can boast all they want.
Metal Gear Solid isn't the best thing ever. I'm a big Metal Gear Solid fan, but I play it for the story and not for the gameplay. Play MGS3 and in a conversation when you're saving the game, they talk about playing in interactive movies one day which was obviously a reference to the MGS series. You're gonna play MGS once or twice, enjoy it, and then forget about it.
[QUOTE="Norule04"]Now let's look at the xbox 360 line up which has mostly proven franchises and proven developers behind it
Ninja gaiden 2;title;3
Banjo Kazooie;title;1
Fable 2;title;1
Gears of war 2;title;2rs
Halo wars
(Developer of the age of empires series)
Too human
(Developer of eternal darkness)
Viva pinata 2;title;0
Alan wake
(developer of the max payne series, one of the best franchises imo)
Dude, none of the games even touch MGS4. PS3 fans can boast all they want.
Excuse me but... How can you know if you didn't play MGS4? Maybe, it will fail like the other ps3 exclusive games.I am confused,
The Cows are using the Gamespot "System Wars" Definition of exclusive, basically using PC to own 360, yet when we point out the fact that Sony doesn't even have an exclusive yet that outscores Kameo, I hear endlessly about IGN and Gamerankings?
They can't help it, they use things depending on convenience :lol:
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