all i hear about is how lemmings say 360 is so 1337.
All that I hear from Xbox 360 fanboys is how great the 360 is.
do you guys really want microsoft to be in controll of gaming??
Do those same Xbox 360 fanboys want Microsoft it be in control of the game industry?
look what they did with windows nuff said . the hardware s horriable and they will never fix it.
Look at what they have done with Windows. Enough said for that. The hardware is horrible and they will not fix it.
everything ms makes it fill with bugs .
Everything Microsoft makes is full of bugs.
they also push as many pennys out of us as possiable .
They also overcharge us for what they sell.
like xbox live why do we pay 50$ a year for peer to peer? where is the money going? its going right into there pocket .
Like Xbox Live for example. Why do they charge $50 a year for peer-to-peer online play? Where is the money going? It is going into their pockets.
the only thing i seen them do with the money was them trying to buy gta 4 downloads .
The only thing I have seen them do with the money has been to secure exclusive GTA IV content.
i am going to put up my flame sheild cus all i am going to hear is " bu bu bu teh haloz" .
I am going to prepare to be insulted, because I expect to read responses of "bu bu bu teh haloz".
360 has so few games to call there own . nintendo has tuns . even mac is getting gears of war lol .
The Xbox 360 has very few exclusives. Nintendo has many exclusives. Even Apple computers are getting Gears of War.
360 is going to br a dsitant last place this gen cus the xbox brand is so weak. it only sells in america .
The Xbox 360 is going to be last in sales this console generation because the brand name "Xbox" is weak, and only sells in America.SpruceCaboose
Poor effort, lacked any real narrative, and the flow was poor. See the notes I made in the margin for correction on grammar and syntax and see me after school.
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