Regardless of whether or not you people think that disc swapping is a hassle, it is a good indication that DVD-9 is dated and needs to be upgraded. People were saying that Sony jumped the gun with Blu Ray this generation, well apparently not. Every PS3 game is on 1 disc, many 360 games are on multiple discs.
Remember the PS1? It was a CD format. The PS2 upgraded to a DVD format to combat the need for multiple discs on games such as 4 discs for Final Fantasy IX. Well, it worked. How many multiple disc games do you recall releasing on the PS2? None that I can remember. Now here's where the responsible aspect comes into play, it's called learning from your mistakes. Rather than releasing the PS3 with the same storage medium as the PS2, knowing full well they would encounter the same problem they had with the PS1, they decided to be proactive and provide a way around it by including a blu ray drive. Well, it worked.
Getting up to change discs isn't that big of a deal at the end of the day, but the problems with Microsoft's decision to use a DVD format stems much further than that. Developers from all over the industry have expressed complaints about the DVD format used by M$, claiming that it is simply not sufficient for today's next generation games. Rockstar said flat out that the 360 held GTA4 back from its full potential, and they had to cut corners on the game to compensate for the 360. The same thing happened with Final Fantasy XIII, and who knows how many other multi-platform games. You may ask yourself, well why don't those developers just make the 360 version a multiple disc release? Well apparently, Microsoft charges developers an absurd amount of additional money for additional discs for their games.
Here's a video of John Carmack explaining how the Xbox 360 and DVD9 has directly affected the development for RAGE.
He says that because of the DVD9 used by the 360, they are being forced to make compression quality sacrifices on the game. He also says when it comes to cost per gigabyte, Playstation 3 is far superior over the 360, making it a much better platform to develop on if you're doing a large scale game. He then goes on to say that Microsoft charges a big licensing fee for every additional disc used in a game, making it so that developers are more likely to cut corners on their games rather than release multiple discs, decreasing the overall quality of the game.
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