Basically I came up with some things to consider in order to determine which was suitable for me:
-Wifi: Ps3 got wifi, Xbox 360 gotta buy the network adapter unless u get the xbox slim which comes with WIFI
-Online gaming: Playstation network is free, Xboxlive (gold) is pay to play.
-Exclusive games you want to play(eg. ps3 has God of War, MGS,etc while 360 has Halo, Gears of War, etc)
-Graphics,etc: PS3 has a bluray player and it is able to produce better graphics. Whereas it is said that the 360 has better graphics on multiple platform games because developers usually develop the games for the xbox and converts it for the ps3. PS3 exclusive games have great graphics as the developers tend to realise the PS3's true potential. To me graphics is no big deal, and both already considered good.
-Which console your friends own. important if you really want to game with your friends
-Controller Preference
As for the online community, I heard PSNetwork cannot really compare to XboxLive. People say that Xbox Live online gaming experience is good, but of course you get what you pay for.
For me, I've decided on the Xbox 360 as I'm really keen on playing FPS like MW2 and Bad company 2, and Xbox is said to be a great choice for FPS gaming. Seems really appealing playing FPS on Xbox live as well. Attracted to exclusives such as fable 2/3, Halo and GOW as well.
You can watch the "Console Wars" vids on TechnoBuffalo to help in your decision as well. http://cuthut.com/jGY
huh? and this is coming from the person who said "The PS3 CPU was not powerful enough to display high-quality graphics and offer co-op gameplay at the same time" and "especially the number of people who have the ability to chat with a microphone while playing, since Xbox 360 comes with a microphone headset and PS3 doesn't" and lets not forget "Forza Motorsport 3 uses a new graphics engine where cars are made up of 1,000,000 polygons per car"
Seriously? stick to the Xbox fan boy routine..
on topic, I think you should invest in a PC, it has most of the games the PS3 has and can do alot more and you can also get a bluray drive for it.or maybe even a wii.just dont waste your hard earned for a Xbox 360
if your choosing between Xbox360 and PS3, I think you should go for a PS3
come on man, do not flame me. i am just posting links from teamxbox.comhttp://forum.teamxbox.com/showthread.php?p=13191590
but from my point of view,
Xbox 360 = multiplats games
ps 3 = exclusive games
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