[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="peacebringer"]Now you guys know what it feels like to be be me and read so many PS3 bashing thread and Wii sucks thread and Xbox 360 is the best threads /Mission Accomplishedpeacebringeraccept that there are just as many 360 sucks threads as the rest. Also sheep bash the PS3 also, especially for the gba thing. sheep play the sales card more than anybody. Cows bash the wii for bad graphics, being kiddy, and bad graphics. why dont u go do the same thread for the other 2 as well. Technically the 360 are ahead in the race and no one likes a cocky Winner right? so it's worse, the point is be humble and all consoles have there strengths i'm not a fanboy just cause i like something over the other it's just my preferance, truth be told if the Xbox 360 didn't share as many games with MY PC i would already own one but thats my reason for not buying one, yes i don't like halo does that make me a fanboy? no i just don't like it, some people say Cucumber taste betetr pickled.. huh huuh? I don't own a PS3 or a Wii i'm am merley stating my opinion on games my first Purchase will be a Wii and then the race will be 360 or PS3 whatever i choose i will buy either way when all consoles are under 200 i will own them all.
then say it doesnt appeal to you and you prefer this game more. dont blindly say this game will totally own this game and this dev is a bunch of chumps compared to this dev. You as gamer, who should show respect to all great game developers were insulting a great dev. I agree if u PC game, 360 might not offer much more. but for those of us who prefer consoles and use our pcs strictly for school the 360 helps. anyway i have no problem with someone voicing an opinion. I have problem when that opinion is folllowed with blind bashing. Thats all.
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