I don;t understand why it was free for one and not the other.
Because PSN is open so developers are free to handle things their way, which makes the developers very happy with Sony.
With Xbox Live MS doesn't let devs do handle their own games the way they want to, instead MS decides what happens. And this pisses alot of devs off, like Epic games and Valve, MS basically runs Xbox Live like a dictator controlling an authoritive state, you can't handle your game like you want, you have to let MS decide for you.
It is very unfair and while the game is stupid and no one is going to buy it, that is still no reason to downplay it and pretend it's nothing. The devs made thier game and they have every right to gie thier fans what they want. And it's not right that MS says they can't.
Then why did I get a 300mb free content update for Test Drive Unlimited 2 on 360?Because MS allows up to 5 "free" patches/DLC sometimes. Although MS does have the final say if they want to or not, the fact is Sony is open to devs so PSN is more friendly to them while MS keeps Xbox Live closed. Valve, Epic, and plenty of other devs have complained about MS Xbox Live policies.
It ultimately comes down to MS, and that's it.
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