The GT fiasco over Full RGB has pointed out a capability of the PS3 over the 360: HDMI 1.3 compliance.
A normal video signal contains values of 16-256 for the red, green, blue and luminance values. This is the gamut many TVs support. A lot of newer HDTVs support a wider color gamut, under various trade names such as x.v.Color. This increases the available RGB and luminance values to 1-256. THis is the feature that the PS3 supports through it's Full RGB ans Super White settings.
This gives an availble range of 16.8 million colors. with the limited profile, you only get 14 million. That's 20% more colors. It also gives a similar increase in shades of brightness.
If one attempts to display the full profile on a TV that only supports the limited profile, the TV will ignore values in the 1-15 range, giving washed out colors and a darker image. That's why the PS3 doesn't support the profile by default. It will however automatically enable features if connected to a compatabile TV via HDMI and that TV correctly communicates available features.
This full profile is only avaiable through HDMI 1.3. The XBOX only supports 1.2, and can't do this. It's graphics and video settings are basically just calibrations and enchancement filters.
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