:P This just kinda hit me and is off the top of my head so I'm open to info I likely didn't consider.
Back before Halo 3 shipped, SW had some lengthy discussions on what makes a series AAA and Cassey settled it by saying a franchise needs 3 AAA's in a row to be considered a AAA series in SW so with that in mind...
With Halo having 5 AAA's in a row and Forza with 3 AAA's in a row, IF, see Big IF there but if Gears 3 scores AAA...
Will this mean 360 has the only FPS, Racing & TPS AAA franchises this gen. :shock:
IF so, that's pretty impressive don't ya think ?
Just wondering.
PS, I have got to be mistaken, I just know it, so just remind me what I forgot or got wrong.
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