[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]didnt you claim to play demons souls? :lol: Damn, with that comment he'll leave the thread entirely.Can't wait to get my hands on this everything Nintendo copycat.
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[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]didnt you claim to play demons souls? :lol: Damn, with that comment he'll leave the thread entirely.Can't wait to get my hands on this everything Nintendo copycat.
No because the graphics seem very subpar to todays graphics. Seriously come on now do not try to even compare this to retail standards that is just retarded. You may enjoy it and that is great and I hope people do but anyone that acts like this is up to almost any retail game standards is being retarded.[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]
[QUOTE="aaronmullan"] Because the style of the game isn't another gritty, brown FPS?DeadEndPanda
Please tell me you never ever ever said anything about any 360 game graphics game ever if you think this is retail standard.
artistic disign has died :[
people simply dont care for them anymore as it seems.
even if i would take artistic looking games over those realistic games any day, it dosnt seem like other people really care for them
I like artistic games but lets face it this game could be easily $15 price like most the look like it. Do not confuse artistic for low quality graphics. Also I am not saying it is bad just does not seem worth retail price[QUOTE="DeadEndPanda"][QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]No because the graphics seem very subpar to todays graphics. Seriously come on now do not try to even compare this to retail standards that is just retarded. You may enjoy it and that is great and I hope people do but anyone that acts like this is up to almost any retail game standards is being retarded.
Please tell me you never ever ever said anything about any 360 game graphics game ever if you think this is retail standard.
artistic disign has died :[
people simply dont care for them anymore as it seems.
even if i would take artistic looking games over those realistic games any day, it dosnt seem like other people really care for them
I like artistic games but lets face it this game could be easily $15 price like most the look like it. Do not confuse artistic for low quality graphics. You're the one getting confused. This game could easily be 15+ hours, so that's a full game.[QUOTE="DeadEndPanda"][QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]No because the graphics seem very subpar to todays graphics. Seriously come on now do not try to even compare this to retail standards that is just retarded. You may enjoy it and that is great and I hope people do but anyone that acts like this is up to almost any retail game standards is being retarded.
Please tell me you never ever ever said anything about any 360 game graphics game ever if you think this is retail standard.
artistic disign has died :[
people simply dont care for them anymore as it seems.
even if i would take artistic looking games over those realistic games any day, it dosnt seem like other people really care for them
I like artistic games but lets face it this game could be easily $15 price like most the look like it. Do not confuse artistic for low quality graphics. It really depends on how much content is in the game.[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"][QUOTE="DeadEndPanda"]I like artistic games but lets face it this game could be easily $15 price like most the look like it. Do not confuse artistic for low quality graphics. You're the one getting confused. This game could easily be 15+ hours, so that's a full game. Quake 2 can take that long also so should that be $60 now? Like I said before it could be a good game just not $60 worth from what I have seen.artistic disign has died :[
people simply dont care for them anymore as it seems.
even if i would take artistic looking games over those realistic games any day, it dosnt seem like other people really care for them
You're the one getting confused. This game could easily be 15+ hours, so that's a full game. Quake 2 can take that long also so should that be $60 now? Like I said before it could be a good game just not $60 worth from what I have seen. Quake 2 is 12 years old now, why would it cost $60 now?[QUOTE="aaronmullan"][QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"] I like artistic games but lets face it this game could be easily $15 price like most the look like it. Do not confuse artistic for low quality graphics.CanYouDiglt
[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]Quake 2 can take that long also so should that be $60 now? Like I said before it could be a good game just not $60 worth from what I have seen. Quake 2 is 12 years old now, why would it cost $60 now?So are the graphics of this game pretty much though that is my point. Like I said this game could be fun but looks thrown together pretty fast for some money. I really have no idea if it is retail price or psn and that is why I asked.[QUOTE="aaronmullan"] You're the one getting confused. This game could easily be 15+ hours, so that's a full game. aaronmullan
So are the graphics of this game pretty much though that is my point. Like I said this game could be fun but looks thrown together pretty fast for some money. I really have no idea if it is retail price or psn and that is why I asked.CanYouDiglt
I'm out.
I love great art designs like this. If the gameplay is solid, this is a complete win. So what if I takes a lot from Zelda. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, as they say, and basing gameplay on a great franchise isn't a bad idea.
Some of this reminds me of one of the worlds in Super Paper Mario. The same kind of blocky structures and enemies.
[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]So are the graphics of this game pretty much though that is my point. Like I said this game could be fun but looks thrown together pretty fast for some money. I really have no idea if it is retail price or psn and that is why I asked.aaronmullan
I'm out.
Have to admit that gave me a good :lol:well im not really a big fan of the ps3 and its games
but when games like this come out i find it stupid that people are bashing it becouse of the graphics
and as for now, you cant really bash the game for anything, we have no information what so ever.
it might be 1 houer, but it might also be 50
this really seems like an old school rpg styled action advantrue. so im pritty sure it will be worth the 50$
considering it will probably be full of houers of anjoyment =]
I like original art designs as well but Super Paper Mario was very pleasing to the eyes while 3d dot heroes looks jittery. My guess is that I would grow tired of the design after an hour. I'll pass.I love great art designs like this. If the gameplay is solid, this is a complete win. So what if I takes a lot from Zelda. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, as they say, and basing gameplay on a great franchise isn't a bad idea.
Some of this reminds me of one of the worlds in Super Paper Mario. The same kind of blocky structures and enemies.
i wonder if this is actual footage of the story of the game or is it more of a test demo with them seeing what they can do with the game engine. if it is the actual story/adventure in motion then bar the actual appearanceits a carbon copy of the zelda game on the SNES.
Pfft, and people say that Final Fantasy swords are ridiculously large. At one point his sword took up the entire screen :lol:.
Can't wait for this game. Looks really refreshing compared to every other game coming out.
Am I the only one GLAD it looks like a zelda rip? Looks fun and brings back plenty of nostalgia.
[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"]No because the graphics seem very subpar to todays graphics. Seriously come on now do not try to even compare this to retail standards that is just retarded. You may enjoy it and that is great and I hope people do but anyone that acts like this is up to almost any retail game standards is being retarded.
Please tell me you never ever ever said anything about any 360 game graphics game ever if you think this is retail standard.
artistic disign has died :[
people simply dont care for them anymore as it seems.
even if i would take artistic looking games over those realistic games any day, it dosnt seem like other people really care for them
I like artistic games but lets face it this game could be easily $15 price like most the look like it. Do not confuse artistic for low quality graphics. Also I am not saying it is bad just does not seem worth retail priceNo this is clearly an artistic choice. Also these are youtube quility vids. Not the best to judge since its kinda blurry. Im pretty sure it will look great on my tv.
come on man, I like refreshing games and the 1st U was amazing...platformer, adventure story...pretty good game now, 3 dot games looks amazing too, it needs more hype sure it takes a lot of Zelda games, but that way the next Zelda will be better!Why dont i find this lackluster reception in system wars surprising?
This is one of the most refreshing and original games on the PS3, and it gets a resounding meh.
No wonder i cant relate to this gens definition of hardcore gamer. Keep hyping shooters and grfx kingz. Have you seen the new shaders they use in Nathan Drake's hair, OMG PS3 WON!!!
[QUOTE="Thunderdrone"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Dont say that, the sony warriors will tottaly ignore it :(The Sony warriors already consider this game a AAA masterpiece already I am sure since it is exclusive. It does not take much more then the word exclusive to make the Sony fanbase to think GOTY. nobody is really hyping this that's what Thunderdrone meant =/Can't wait to get my hands on this everything Nintendo copycat.
I think this is more of a Golden Axe Warrior clone, they even took the main character (blue dude with horns on his helmet) and took the health/magic system.
Take a look:
Saying that though, Golden Axe Warrior was a zelda clone for the Master System, back in the day.
Why dont i find this lackluster reception in system wars surprising?
This is one of the most refreshing and original games on the PS3, and it gets a resounding meh.
No wonder i cant relate to this gens definition of hardcore gamer. Keep hyping shooters and grfx kingz. Have you seen the new shaders they use in Nathan Drake's hair, OMG PS3 WON!!!
I laughed at both of those of those statements.
wow look the monsters even poof onscreen the same way they do in golden axe warrior. Either way looks like a pass for me, not really diggin the art style too much, and WTF was with the sword taking up the whole screen.I think this is more of a Golden Axe Warrior clone, they even took the main character (blue dude with horns on his helmet) and took the health/magic system.
Take a look:
Saying that though, Golden Axe Warrior was a zelda clone for the Master System, back in the day.
Who cares if its a Zelda clone, it'll be the be better than all the zelda games since wind waker.
Quite the bold statement. No matter how charming or referential this game may be, it would be difficult to best a full-fledged Zelda adventure. The DS games perhaps, but Twilight Princess? Probably not. But we shall see.
[QUOTE="Thunderdrone"]come on man, I like refreshing games and the 1st U was amazing...platformer, adventure story...pretty good game now, It is an awesome game. My comment wasnt so much a blow to the first Uncharted as it was to the crowd that swarms Uncharted 2 threads with no intention beyond "rubbing" in the technical bells and whistles of their latest exclusive against the other console faction. Meanwhile, they "meh" this and wonder why this game isnt a "PSN title", cuz it looks "cheap"!!! smhWhy dont i find this lackluster reception in system wars surprising?
This is one of the most refreshing and original games on the PS3, and it gets a resounding meh.
No wonder i cant relate to this gens definition of hardcore gamer. Keep hyping shooters and grfx kingz. Have you seen the new shaders they use in Nathan Drake's hair, OMG PS3 WON!!!
:O I still have that game. Ahh the memories...I think this is more of a Golden Axe Warrior clone, they even took the main character (blue dude with horns on his helmet) and took the health/magic system.
Take a look:
Saying that though, Golden Axe Warrior was a zelda clone for the Master System, back in the day.
I don't understand the bashings for this game because it's a Zelda clone. I like Zelda and all, but developers have actually made better alternatives to it. Namco Bandai made a better game. EA made a better game. Even Rare made a better game.
neither do I but better alternatives to Zelda? :? not at all Tough I have always said that Okami >>>TP but as a franchise Zelda has no competition :PI don't understand the bashings for this game because it's a Zelda clone. I like Zelda and all, but developers have actually made better alternatives to it. Namco Bandai made a better game. EA made a better game. Even Rare made a better game.
I don't understand the bashings for this game because it's a Zelda clone. I like Zelda and all, but developers have actually made better alternatives to it. Namco Bandai made a better game. EA made a better game. Even Rare made a better game.
neither do I but better alternatives to Zelda? :? not at all Tough I have always said that Okami >>>TP but as a franchise Zelda has no competition :P Yeah, maybe not in general, but better than a few Zelda games here and there. I should've put more thought in my last post. :Plol no. the only zelda alternative thats better than zelda is okami.I don't understand the bashings for this game because it's a Zelda clone. I like Zelda and all, but developers have actually made better alternatives to it. Namco Bandai made a better game. EA made a better game. Even Rare made a better game.
and despite your opinion...even the weaker entries are better than most of the clones out there
I don't understand the bashings for this game because it's a Zelda clone. I like Zelda and all, but developers have actually made better alternatives to it. Namco Bandai made a better game. EA made a better game. Even Rare made a better game.
lol no. the only zelda alternative thats better than zelda is okami.and despite your opinion...even the weaker entries are better than most of the clones out there
THAT is your opinion, not everyone elses.and the majority tend to agree with my opinion. Just cause you like to jump on the "lets hate the latest zelda " bandwagon everytime a new entry comes out doesn't mean these inferior clones are better.Its the first i have seen of this game . is it a psn title?scottiescott238No, its a full brown retail game
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]lol no. the only zelda alternative thats better than zelda is okami.[QUOTE="nintendoboy16"]
I don't understand the bashings for this game because it's a Zelda clone. I like Zelda and all, but developers have actually made better alternatives to it. Namco Bandai made a better game. EA made a better game. Even Rare made a better game.
and despite your opinion...even the weaker entries are better than most of the clones out there
THAT is your opinion, not everyone elses.not just his. its mine too,
cows are probably the only ones that are going to agree anyways.
Zelda itself has no match
while Okami is my favorit game of all time
it cant beat a whole series of awesome games
Zelda > everything ;)
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