That is how the industry works, I didn't make that up :lol: Just because a game scored well and I don't like it, doesn;t mean its irrelevant. It just doesn't appeal to me. But a good game is a good gameLastRambo341
Uhm this is the quote from you I'm referring to in case you forgot:
LOL gotta love the ignorant posters here :lol: "Uhhh only 1 interests me" "Uhhh 99% of that list looks bad" Those games all scored decently-to-great. LastRambo341
You called people ignorant for saying the same thing you now just did. :roll:
Because someone got butthurt by my comment :roll:LastRambo341
So every discussion stems from someone being butthurt. Damn you are a petty person, who can't seem to admit he is wrong.
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