Sorry about the provocative topic title, that was just done to get your attention :P
Anyway, on to the meat of the matter...
So Monster Hunter Tri G just launched in Japan this week, and Famitsu has reported its sales numbers for its first two days on the market...
Monster Hunter Tri G sold out. 471,000 units were sold in just two days, leading to shortages throughout the country. Capcom undershipped the title, apparently, and the second shipment of the game is not expected to arrive until December 17th... which is when the Vita is supposed to launch in the country too. Ouch.
Even better? The 3DS had its biggest week in the country ever. Bigger even than its launch week (which set records, in case you have forgotten). The 3DS sold 370,000 units during this tracking period. It's finally starting to sell like the true successor to the DS!
Even more good news!
The 3DS has beaten every single (Famitsu tracked) week 49 that the DS ever managed to pull off! This is just its first year on the market!
3DS 2011:378,114
2004:181,231 (DS)
2005:295,701 (DS)
2006:375,468 (DSL+DS)
2007:164,576 (DSL)
2008:126,596 (DSi+DSL)
2009:113,052 (DSi+DSiXL+DSL)
2010:106,633 (DSi+DSiXL+DSL)
More good news? The Pokemon Company announced it will be making a major announcement... on December 17th. Which, surprise, is when the Vita releases.
Looks like Nintendo is going out of its way to crush Sony and the Vita. The 3DS had a very bad start, but it has recovered beautifully, and you have to give Iwata props for that.
It will be interesting to see if the 3DS can actually outsell the Vita the week the Vita launches.
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