4 Biggest System Wars Myths

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#1 DarthaPerkinjan
Member since 2005 • 1326 Posts

#1 - 'Next-Gen' is all about how powerful the systems are. What a complete and utter joke. For starters, did anybody ever deny the Wii was 'Next-Gen' even though Wii Sports looked like a PS1 game? No. Next gen gaming is more then just visuals. The enhanced social features and options of the new consoles is more then enough to make them next gen. Its not all about power. People who say the Xbox One or PS4 arent next gen because they werent bleeding edge tech make me laugh.

#2 - Conosle Gamers spend a chunk of money every year for Xbox Live/PS Plus. Again, false. I havent been subscribed to PS+ for a while now. A large portion of console gamers do not play online, and thus do not need PS+. Theres no game out there currently or in the near future I want to play online, so I did not renew my subscription.

#3 - PC software is so much cheaper then console software. Nope. amazon and other websites have sales just as frequently as steam on next gen games. Driveclub was 40% off at one point on Amazon within 4 weeks of its launch and this is the case with most games. Keep in mind low PC software prices are driven by rampant piracy and poor sales. They're not cheap because Gabe loves you.

#4 - You can build a PC that equals PS4 for the same price. One that includes Windows 8, a Dual Shock 4, a 3D blu-ray player, and is the product of fine, fine Sony quality craftsmanship? Doubtful. And even if you could, why would you? PC gaming is about playing multi plats in higher fidelity then on console, so why would you?

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#3 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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Well, I mean, I agree with the first two points.

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#4 PapaTrop
Member since 2014 • 1792 Posts

Myth - This thread is good

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#5 nintendoboy16
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Unfortunately, the myth I have in mind is fanboy wars related. And knowing how well the mods take that... yeah.

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#6 uninspiredcup  Online
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System Wars is basically Mos Eisley. With Sony users playing those flutes in the corner.

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#7 deactivated-60bf765068a74
Member since 2007 • 9558 Posts

OP Hates PC's and people who game oN PC's

bro have you heard of like sim city, sim ant, age of empires, starcraft, diablo, warcraft

OP hello are you home?

you get all these exclusives right

plus you get all ps4/xb1 multiplats

PLUS you get discount on steam games, you don't have to bum rush a store for a game and its at 60 dollars locked behind a glass wall


being pc gamer is just an easier life

its just easy o i buy this oh i buy that comes to me

you don't have insert a disc and download the game from the disc an leave it in as some kinda anti piracy measure

u just ply games an go bout ur day and ur good

OP plz learn what life is like on pc just learn it bro its not about "looking" the best its about "being" the best

its not cuz the games look better on pc its whole package bro u just don't seem to get like

people are about pc's in this day an age everyones just like oh ull pick that up on steam or oh yeah ill pick up that indie or multiplat or whatever

nobodys playin games in front of tvs anymore ur like 10 generation behind bro don't u see that are u awakened at all from whats been happening?

the console sections in stores are empty gamestops are empty

the gamers moved on why haven't you OP plz just get reality get in reality with us plz

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#8  Edited By 04dcarraher
Member since 2004 • 23858 Posts

1. Systemwars is all about which system is better and discuss aka "argue" the what why and how, And how powerful a system is does play a role in the discussion

2. Consoler's nowadays have to spend money on those subscriptions if they want to use most or all online features it is almost a requirement. Heck it is a requirement for the console to be connected anyway to the internet to get needed patches and confirm you bought the game in some cases.

3. So wrong,

4. Moving and setting goal posts adding in the Sony "quality", "bluray" and "windows" excuses...really? lol

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#9 FoxbatAlpha
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@ProtossRushX: lol, Sim Ant!

I forgot about that game. I'm gonna have to look for it now.

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@ProtossRushX: Your struggle with sentence structure makes my brain hurt.

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#11  Edited By LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

@papatrop said:

Myth - This thread is good

Or was it confirmed? I don't remember, But I'm with you. This thread sucks.

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#12 Lulu_Lulu
Member since 2013 • 19564 Posts

Meh.... not bad....

Although number 3 was kinda stupid.... its true but instead of posting the latest subscription numbers vs. Console sales all you did was say you don't subscribe anymore.

Also I sense some animosity towards the PC ?

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#13  Edited By HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13838 Posts

@DarthaPerkinjan said:

#1 - 'Next-Gen' is all about how powerful the systems are. What a complete and utter joke. For starters, did anybody ever deny the Wii was 'Next-Gen' even though Wii Sports looked like a PS1 game? No. Next gen gaming is more then just visuals. The enhanced social features and options of the new consoles is more then enough to make them next gen. Its not all about power. People who say the Xbox One or PS4 arent next gen because they werent bleeding edge tech make me laugh.

#2 - Conosle Gamers spend a chunk of money every year for Xbox Live/PS Plus. Again, false. I havent been subscribed to PS+ for a while now. A large portion of console gamers do not play online, and thus do not need PS+. Theres no game out there currently or in the near future I want to play online, so I did not renew my subscription.

#3 - PC software is so much cheaper then console software. Nope. amazon and other websites have sales just as frequently as steam on next gen games. Driveclub was 40% off at one point on Amazon within 4 weeks of its launch and this is the case with most games. Keep in mind low PC software prices are driven by rampant piracy and poor sales. They're not cheap because Gabe loves you.

#4 - You can build a PC that equals PS4 for the same price. One that includes Windows 8, a Dual Shock 4, a 3D blu-ray player, and is the product of fine, fine Sony quality craftsmanship? Doubtful. And even if you could, why would you? PC gaming is about playing multi plats in higher fidelity then on console, so why would you?

1. People say that because that's the route Sony chose, to get as much performance as the could for the selling price and it didn't cut it. MS chose the route of innovation with Kinect, as in different gameplay experiences than the PC could offer, before the pussyed out and dropped it.

Both current gen consoles now don't aim to do anything a PC can't do, so what's left, the lol performance Sony and MS hype about and the 3 or 4 retail exclusives you'll get a year, it's a shame and a joke how far consoles have fallen. At least Nintendo tries to offer a different experience and they haven't given up on it, and they offer stuff the PC hasn't got.

Also, it's funny, the cows were probably the first to jump on the Wii for not being "next gen".

2. If you want to play online, get your wallet out. Just like the cows said last gen [in relation to the Xbox 360] 'half your games are held at ransom'.

3. lol Amazon doesn't compare to the frequency of deals and no where near how cheap it gets on Steam, Humble Bundle and all the rest.

4. It doesn't matter. If I spend £800 or more on a PC, I'm still getting more value, because I can do what I want on it. £400 is a lot of money for a device that says 'here's all this hardware, but you can only do what we tell you, you can do'. It's the same reason I think Steam Machines are a waste of money, because you only use them for gaming. There is so much more to the PC than gaming.

lol craftsmanship, you mean a series of compensations for the compromises they have to make. A good laptop is good craftsmanship, because they don't compromise.

Hmm, so the cows ask 'why get an X1 when you can play the multiplats better on a PS4?', now the cows ask 'why play multiplats better on the PC when you can play them worse on the PS4?'. Well that's just great. But no, your multiplats are just a bonus and another reason why consoles are less interesting now.

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#14 parkurtommo
Member since 2009 • 28295 Posts

4 biggest anti-PC damage control arbitrary-as-**** made up facts by DarthaPerkinjan

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#15 thehig1
Member since 2014 • 7556 Posts

Another thread that basically says "I can't afford a decent PC"

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#16 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts

Agree on the sales. Most games drop so quick it is kind of surprising to some. Even within these price drops the cost will still fluctuate. Generally it will go from 60 to 40 dollars pretty quick. Prices go back up, then down. Last gen the games that would stick at the $29 to $39 range on amazon I picked up for UNDER $15. That is no bs either. The exception are Nintendo games. The drops are usually only ten dollars, with occasional 20 dollar drops.

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#17 Gue1
Member since 2004 • 12171 Posts

I don't agree with #1. I don't want to to pay premium for shitty HW like sheep did with the Wii and now the Wii U.

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#18 R4gn4r0k  Online
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Came in here thinking I'd find an interesting read.

But it's just a rant against PC disguised as a myth busting thread.

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#19 SolidGame_basic  Online
Member since 2003 • 47688 Posts

I agree with you, TC. But unfortunately, you attacked PC. So the herm mods are going to throw a fit and act like they know better than you.

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#20 clyde46
Member since 2005 • 49061 Posts

So this thread is another "I hate PC gaming" hate thread?

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#21 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23838 Posts

#1 - I agree with. It is dumb that so many people have no clue what the hell a generation is. If we want to say a console is weak sauce, just say it. No need to attempt changing the definition of generation just to do so.

#2 - Applies to me exactly. I don't care for online multiplayer anymore and I'm not a big enough sucker to fork over cash for some half assed service.... that said, if I did get the urge to play an online game, at least I can do that for free on PC, so no this isn't really a good argument.

#3 - You're fucking out of your mind if you think the odd console game sale here and there even begins to compare to Steam sales.

#4 - Haha, Sony craftsmanship. Every part in my PC is of a much higher quality than the fisher price parts in a PS4. But yes, you are right, why the hell would you? I'm not one of these guys that tries to argue budget hardware. I know I'm paying a whole hell of a lot more to build a great PC, but I'm also getting a whole hell of a lot better experience, so that's all good. Consoles are bargain machines, no arguing that.

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#22 DEadliNE-Zero0
Member since 2014 • 6607 Posts

lol, TC trying to troll PC only ot have the thread backfire.

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#23 MlauTheDaft
Member since 2011 • 5189 Posts

@clyde46 said:

So this thread is another "I hate PC gaming" hate thread?


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#24 DocSanchez
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Point one, people did argue over whether wii was next gen or not. And I still believe it technically isn't.

Of course, until Nintendo lamely fell behind in technology this wasn't an issue before. The gens were clear. We had clear improvement gen on gen. The only real reason to qualify generations is by technology.

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#25  Edited By aroxx_ab
Member since 2005 • 13236 Posts

3. Yeah PC games is not "much" cheaper. Games like CoD, Farcry etc (no indie budget games) cost almost as much like console games. It is mostly games you dont want to play that come out on steam sales, but if you cared/wanted the games in the first place you had bought them at release. But nah PC gamers just buy lots of games they never want to play just because "it is low price" aka $5

Yeah games you really want play you buy as soon possible, not wait 1-2+ years for a steam sale.

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#26  Edited By Snugenz
Member since 2006 • 13388 Posts

@aroxx_ab said:

3. Yeah PC games is not "much" cheaper. Games like CoD, Farcry etc (no indie budget games) cost almost as much like console games. It is mostly games you dont want to play that come out on steam sales, but if you cared/wanted the games in the first place you had bought them at release. But nah PC gamers just buy lots of games they never want to play just because "it is low price" aka $5

Yeah games you really want play you buy as soon possible, not wait 1-2+ years for a steam sale.

So much wrong in this post...

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#27 GarGx1
Member since 2011 • 10934 Posts

1/ Whatever, all the 'new' consoles are weak by modern hardware standards

2/ Don't care, soon you'll need the sub just to patch your games

3/ I use a game key site for a lot of new releases and I get legit downloads (pre-order, day one and shortly after release) for 1/3 to 1/2 off the RRP.

4/ Anyone building a gaming PC for the same cost as a PS4 is doing it wrong and should really save more money or just buy a console. The minimum spend I would recommend to anyone is around £700. PS4 is a weak lump of plastic to the point if it was an actual PC (not just pretending to be one) it would already be below entry level for a new build.

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#28  Edited By naz99
Member since 2002 • 2941 Posts

Funny how these supposedly myth busting facts are based on one persons opinions.....that almost never happens in system wars and its almost never by console fanboys butthurt by the PC....except for all the times when it is :p

Gonna have to start calling you DerpaPerkinjan

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#29 Robert_Mueller
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@HalcyonScarlet said:

Both current gen consoles now don't aim to do anything a PC can't do, so what's left, the lol performance Sony and MS hype about and the 3 or 4 retail exclusives you'll get a year, it's a shame and a joke how far consoles have fallen. At least Nintendo tries to offer a different experience and they haven't given up on it, and they offer stuff the PC hasn't got.

However, there does not seem to be that much demand for Nintendo's current product line. They sold approx. 9 millionen devices within the first two years after launch of the Wii U, while Sony sold more than twice as many devices within little more than one year after the launch of the PS4. Thus, Sony's approach is roughly 4x as successful as Nintendo's. Of course, you might argue that Sony's customers are simply stupid in *your* point of view, but economically, Sony has clearly made the right decisions.

4. It doesn't matter. If I spend £800 or more on a PC, I'm still getting more value, because I can do what I want on it. £400 is a lot of money for a device that says 'here's all this hardware, but you can only do what we tell you, you can do'. It's the same reason I think Steam Machines are a waste of money, because you only use them for gaming. There is so much more to the PC than gaming.

lol craftsmanship, you mean a series of compensations for the compromises they have to make. A good laptop is good craftsmanship, because they don't compromise.

I do not even own a desktop PC anymore although I work in the IT industry and I could easily afford one. But as many others, I decided five or six years ago that I do not want to own a stationary PC anymore, and instead bought a business class laptop which is indeed excellent craftsmanship, but not optimized for gaming in any way. And that was purpose, because even when still had a desktop PC I never would have installed something like Steam on it. I like the idea of having dedicated devices for gaming and/or entertainment. And many people I know have made similar decisions.

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#30 HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13838 Posts
@robert_mueller said:
@HalcyonScarlet said:

Both current gen consoles now don't aim to do anything a PC can't do, so what's left, the lol performance Sony and MS hype about and the 3 or 4 retail exclusives you'll get a year, it's a shame and a joke how far consoles have fallen. At least Nintendo tries to offer a different experience and they haven't given up on it, and they offer stuff the PC hasn't got.

However, there does not seem to be that much demand for Nintendo's current product line. They sold approx. 9 millionen devices within the first two years after launch of the Wii U, while Sony sold more than twice as many devices within little more than one year after the launch of the PS4. Thus, Sony's approach is roughly 4x as successful as Nintendo's. Of course, you might argue that Sony's customers are simply stupid in *your* point of view, but economically, Sony has clearly made the right decisions.

4. It doesn't matter. If I spend £800 or more on a PC, I'm still getting more value, because I can do what I want on it. £400 is a lot of money for a device that says 'here's all this hardware, but you can only do what we tell you, you can do'. It's the same reason I think Steam Machines are a waste of money, because you only use them for gaming. There is so much more to the PC than gaming.

lol craftsmanship, you mean a series of compensations for the compromises they have to make. A good laptop is good craftsmanship, because they don't compromise.

I do not even own a desktop PC anymore although I work in the IT industry and I could easily afford one. But as many others, I decided five or six years ago that I do not want to own a stationary PC anymore, and instead bought a business class laptop which is indeed excellent craftsmanship, but not optimized for gaming in any way. And that was purpose, because even when still had a desktop PC I never would have installed something like Steam on it. I like the idea of having dedicated devices for gaming and/or entertainment. And many people I know have made similar decisions.

Sony being successful doesn't have an impact on what I said. What I said was aimed at a different issue. And what you do with the PC is your choice as is the value you decide to get from it.

SWs is about opinion and it is just my opinion that consoles have less value than they did in previous gens.

PC gaming will never get all those console gamers, because people won't know the value of it until they really try it. I've dabbled with PC gaming for years and made the same arguments console gamers use against it, but it's only this gen I saw its worth as these consoles have yet to impress me and this is the first time a console generation has failed to excite me since the SNES generation when I began (with home consoles).

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#31  Edited By MonsieurX
Member since 2008 • 39858 Posts

@DarthaPerkinjan said:

#1 - 'Next-Gen' is all about how powerful the systems are. What a complete and utter joke. For starters, did anybody ever deny the Wii was 'Next-Gen' even though Wii Sports looked like a PS1 game? No. Next gen gaming is more then just visuals. The enhanced social features and options of the new consoles is more then enough to make them next gen. Its not all about power. People who say the Xbox One or PS4 arent next gen because they werent bleeding edge tech make me laugh.

#2 - Conosle Gamers spend a chunk of money every year for Xbox Live/PS Plus. Again, false. I havent been subscribed to PS+ for a while now. A large portion of console gamers do not play online, and thus do not need PS+. Theres no game out there currently or in the near future I want to play online, so I did not renew my subscription.

#3 - PC software is so much cheaper then console software. Nope. amazon and other websites have sales just as frequently as steam on next gen games. Driveclub was 40% off at one point on Amazon within 4 weeks of its launch and this is the case with most games. Keep in mind low PC software prices are driven by rampant piracy and poor sales. They're not cheap because Gabe loves you.

#4 - You can build a PC that equals PS4 for the same price. One that includes Windows 8, a Dual Shock 4, a 3D blu-ray player, and is the product of fine, fine Sony quality craftsmanship? Doubtful. And even if you could, why would you? PC gaming is about playing multi plats in higher fidelity then on console, so why would you?

#3 Didn't know you could get pretty much all pre-order 25% off on consoles

#4 fine Sony quality craftsmanship?

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#32 ghostwarrior786
Member since 2005 • 5811 Posts

good thread tc and i agree with all 4 of ur points, watch out for turd race attacks though, they gona be real mad after reading all that truth

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#33 adamosmaki
Member since 2007 • 10718 Posts

@aroxx_ab said:

3. Yeah PC games is not "much" cheaper. Games like CoD, Farcry etc (no indie budget games) cost almost as much like console games. It is mostly games you dont want to play that come out on steam sales, but if you cared/wanted the games in the first place you had bought them at release. But nah PC gamers just buy lots of games they never want to play just because "it is low price" aka $5

Yeah games you really want play you buy as soon possible, not wait 1-2+ years for a steam sale.

i bought middle earth a month ago of GMG for 20euros . Good luck finding it anywhere south of 40euros on consoles any time soon.

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#34  Edited By DarthaPerkinjan
Member since 2005 • 1326 Posts

Current prices as of now. PC has lost is software price edge

Far Cry 4: $60 - Steam PC - $47 - Amazon PS4

Assasins Creed Unity: $40 - Steam PC - $35 - Amazon PS4

Thief: $30 - Steam PC - $20 Amazon PS4

Injustice: $30 - Steam PC - $14 - Amazon PS4

Shadow of Mordor: $50 Steam PC - $40 Amazon PS4

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#35 Cheleman
Member since 2012 • 8198 Posts

pc gaming has been destroyed once again.

good job op.

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#36 adamosmaki
Member since 2007 • 10718 Posts

@DarthaPerkinjan said:

Current prices as of now. PC has lost is software price edge

Far Cry 4: $60 - Steam PC - $47 - Amazon PS4

Assasins Creed Unity: $40 - Steam PC - $35 - Amazon PS4

Thief: $30 - Steam PC - $20 Amazon PS4

Injustice: $30 - Steam PC - $14 - Amazon PS4

Shadow of Mordor: $50 Steam PC - $40 Amazon PS4

You do know there are other DD shops except steam ? Also you do know you are comparing games that are on sale vs games that are not on sale ?

Shadow of mordor was $25 on GMG a couple of days ago and same goes for steam on their winter sale

Thief is regularly found for $10 on various sales including GMG, Steam , getgames etc

Injustice was 7,50 during winter/black friday sales

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#37 blackace
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#1 People on here don't even know the meaning of "Next-Gen". Only old school gamers know because we were the ones who coined the phrase. "Next-Gen" has nothing to do with hardware spec, power or how great a game looks. "Next-Gen" simple means the next series of game consoles being released for a period of time. So when the Wii U was released, the "Next-Gen" (short for Next-Generation) started. There have been 8 generations. You can read about them here -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_console

#2 Well there is a pretty BIG chunk of gamers who do have XBL and PS+ subscriptions. On the XBox Live there over 50% of the the users who own XBox 360 and with PS+ they are starting to reach the point as well. Yes, there are millions of gamers who don't have XBL or PS+ subscriptions. That's a fact. There are also millions who do however.

#3 PC software is cheaper. There's no if, ands or buts about it. If you buy a multiplat game on game consoles it's usually $60 at retailers for the console version and $50 or less for the PC version. PC software becomes cheaper a whole lot faster then game consoles software. A brand new PC game will be 30% off or more in just a couple months, while console games (especially Nintendo's) will stay $50 or higher for many months. Sure, retailers have sales on console gamers and digital games for console have sales all the time. Still games on STEAM and at retailers for older PC gamers are usualy 5%-20% cheaper overall. The cheapest way to get console games is to buy they used off EBay, Amazon.com, Craig's List or at Gamestop. The cheapest way to get PC games is through STEAM or GOG.

#4 I don't know any PC Gamer who would waste their money doing that. It might be possibly, but your games probably would play at the highest quality a PC gamer would want them to be. I'd rather pay $600-$700 on a state of the art high quality PC if I'm going to be playing PC games like Star Citizen, EveryQuest Next and Divinity: Original Sin. It's sensless for any true PC gamer to do that.

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#38 HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13838 Posts

@DarthaPerkinjan said:

Current prices as of now. PC has lost is software price edge

Far Cry 4: $60 - Steam PC - $47 - Amazon PS4

Assasins Creed Unity: $40 - Steam PC - $35 - Amazon PS4

Thief: $30 - Steam PC - $20 Amazon PS4

Injustice: $30 - Steam PC - $14 - Amazon PS4

Shadow of Mordor: $50 Steam PC - $40 Amazon PS4

Cherry picking after the sales have ended. I got injustice far cheaper than that on Steam. Injustice Ultimate Edition, £5.74 in the sale back in September 2014.

Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition £3.74, same time. Current price on Amazon £13.64 for the PS3.

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#39  Edited By Wasdie  Moderator
Member since 2003 • 53622 Posts

1. You're correct. "Next-gen" is just a term we label the next round of console generations. There is absolutely no reason that the next round of consoles needs to be uber powerful.

2. It seems each year more and more people subscribe to XBL and PSN. However at $50-60 a year it's really not that expensive. I subscribe to both services for my PS4 and Xbox One. It's just an arguing point PC gamers who rabidly defend their platform keep bringing up. When you game as much as I do and spend as much money on video games and hardware as much as I do, $110 on XBL/PSN a year is chump change.

3. Piracy has never been a major issue. Ever. Publishers have made piracy out to be a major issue in an attempt to defend their decision to not port games to the PC or load their PC ports up with obtrusive DRM. Services like Steam, GoG, Amazon and even Origin have kept prices down even for the majority of pirates to end up purchasing games. It's been proven time and time again those who pirate end up spending more money in the industry than people who don't pirate. This is also true in movies and music.

PC game prices are much cheaper than console game prices and that's simply due to the move towards digital distribution and having multiple, 3rd party retailers, competing for your money. The consoles just do not have that. Sales do not happen as frequently nor do prices drop as much during those sales for physical retail games because there is still a physical supply chain keeping the prices up. Manufacturing, logistics, and shelf space cost money that DD completely removes from the equation. XBL and PSN being 1st party and not having any competition also means that there is no reason for prices to drop as quickly. If you control the limited output of the game and demand stays reasonable, then you can keep the price up.

4. Even in 2015 you still cannot do this. This is a myth by PC gamers who again rabidly defend their system. First off you wouldn't want to build a PC that cheap. A PC that cheap would just be a platform for Steam in home streaming which means you still need a gaming PC. Second a PC that weak will struggle with mutliplats harder than a game console will, especially later in the generation.

Devs branch off versions of their game for the PS4 and Xbox One. They get special treatment in the code to optimize specifically for those platforms. They get special rendering settings that take into account the consoles strengths and weaknesses. On the PC you get a one-size-fits-all approach. "Low" settings are not the same as the console settings. Often they are still higher than the console ports of the game. Furthermore you need that 60fps on a PC for the game to not feel sluggish and you also need slightly higher rendering settings as your average viewing distance to the screen is much lower thus allowing you to better see the details. On a console the further viewing distance paired with only needing 30 fps goes a long way.

It's simple. As of right now the entry level of a PC is higher than that of a console. Don't let fanboys try to convince you otherwise. As long as the PS4/Xbox One keep dropping in price that should never change. The Xbox One being $350 officially really makes building a PC at the same performance level basically impossible.

That said, once you spend the money for the PC you can enjoy a much larger variety of games, better visuals, and cheaper game prices. If you're a serious gamer then you should have a PC with consoles on the side. Since the majority of major games today are multiplatform across PC and consoles, your primary gaming platform should be a PC. This gives you the maximum flexibility in the market.

Just because you own the PC doesn't mean you need to buy all games on the PC. I buy Assasssin's Creed games, CoD games, and Shadow of Mordor on my consoles because I believe those games were originally made for the consoles first and play better there. Sure they may have better graphics on the PC, but I do not like having to plug in a controller into my PC or dealing with 360 degree movement with WASD and a mouse. So really I just buy console games on the consoles and enjoy them probably as much as I would on the PC. Just because a game is better on a platform doesn't mean you're going to get any less enjoyment from it playing it on another platform. If that's the case then you need to take a seriously long break from System Wars.

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#41 aroxx_ab
Member since 2005 • 13236 Posts

@adamosmaki said:

@aroxx_ab said:

3. Yeah PC games is not "much" cheaper. Games like CoD, Farcry etc (no indie budget games) cost almost as much like console games. It is mostly games you dont want to play that come out on steam sales, but if you cared/wanted the games in the first place you had bought them at release. But nah PC gamers just buy lots of games they never want to play just because "it is low price" aka $5

Yeah games you really want play you buy as soon possible, not wait 1-2+ years for a steam sale.

i bought middle earth a month ago of GMG for 20euros . Good luck finding it anywhere south of 40euros on consoles any time soon.

I can find a "used" copy for lover price than that...

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#42  Edited By Wasdie  Moderator
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@farrell2k said:

@DarthaPerkinjan said:

#4 - You can build a PC that equals PS4 for the same price. One that includes Windows 8, a Dual Shock 4, a 3D blu-ray player, and is the product of fine, fine Sony quality craftsmanship? Doubtful. And even if you could, why would you? PC gaming is about playing multi plats in higher fidelity then on console, so why would you?

You can absolutely build a pc that "equals" the ps4 for the same price. You can actually build one more powerful. "Craftmanship" is irrelevant. No one needs a controller to play games on the PC, a Bluray player has shit to do with gaming, and any recent version of windows that I currently own can be transferred to and from any pc at any time, at no cost to me, and everyone here typing a message already has a copy. The PS4 doesn't run windows, so what the **** does windows have to do with building a gaming system that will outperform the hardware in the ps4? Nothing!

Premise rejected on the grounds of fucking stupidity.

No you can't, at least not if you want to play the majority of games and have all of the features of a PS4. You just can't.

You're version would have you stripping out features your money gets you with a PS4 and then removing Windows and thus the removal of DirectX which is needed for 90% of games just to win a pointless argument on system wars.

You would be left with a box that couldn't do much more than compile C++ and maybe play Minecraft and a small selection of 2D indie games on Steam. Given the overhead of OpenGL, the GPU, CPU, and RAM combination of that box would be horrible and you wouldn't get worthwhile performance. Hell if you somehow did run Windows on that box (lets say you pirated it), you probably would struggle to run games that the PS4/Xbox One run without a problem due to the overhead of DirectX and how weak your CPU/GPU/RAM is going to have to be. You still don't get all of the features of a PS4/Xbox One and you still get less stuff out of the box (no controller comes with your PC like a new PS4/Xbox One does).

The only possible way you could somehow match what you get for now $350 with an Xbox One is to remove half the features that you deem not worthy. That's not the point.

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#43  Edited By HalcyonScarlet
Member since 2011 • 13838 Posts
@Wasdie said:

1. You're correct. "Next-gen" is just a term we label the next round of console generations. There is absolutely no reason that the next round of consoles needs to be uber powerful.

2. It seems each year more and more people subscribe to XBL and PSN. However at $50-60 a year it's really not that expensive. I subscribe to both services for my PS4 and Xbox One. It's just an arguing point PC gamers who rabidly defend their platform keep bringing up. When you game as much as I do and spend as much money on video games and hardware as much as I do, $110 on XBL/PSN a year is chump change.

3. Piracy has never been a major issue. Ever. Publishers have made piracy out to be a major issue in an attempt to defend their decision to not port games to the PC or load their PC ports up with obtrusive DRM. Services like Steam, GoG, Amazon and even Origin have kept prices down even for the majority of pirates to end up purchasing games. It's been proven time and time again those who pirate end up spending more money in the industry than people who don't pirate. This is also true in movies and music.

PC game prices are much cheaper than console game prices and that's simply due to the move towards digital distribution and having multiple, 3rd party retailers, competing for your money. The consoles just do not have that. Sales do not happen as frequently nor do prices drop as much during those sales for physical retail games because there is still a physical supply chain keeping the prices up. Manufacturing, logistics, and shelf space cost money that DD completely removes from the equation. XBL and PSN being 1st party and not having any competition also means that there is no reason for prices to drop as quickly. If you control the limited output of the game and demand stays reasonable, then you can keep the price up.

4. Even in 2015 you still cannot do this. This is a myth by PC gamers who again rabidly defend their system. First off you wouldn't want to build a PC that cheap. A PC that cheap would just be a platform for Steam in home streaming which means you still need a gaming PC. Second a PC that weak will struggle with mutliplats harder than a game console will, especially later in the generation.

Devs branch off versions of their game for the PS4 and Xbox One. They get special treatment in the code to optimize specifically for those platforms. They get special rendering settings that take into account the consoles strengths and weaknesses. On the PC you get a one-size-fits-all approach. "Low" settings are not the same as the console settings. Often they are still higher than the console ports of the game. Furthermore you need that 60fps on a PC for the game to not feel sluggish and you also need slightly higher rendering settings as your average viewing distance to the screen is much lower thus allowing you to better see the details. On a console the further viewing distance paired with only needing 30 fps goes a long way.

It's simple. As of right now the entry level of a PC is higher than that of a console. Don't let fanboys try to convince you otherwise. As long as the PS4/Xbox One keep dropping in price that should never change. The Xbox One being $350 officially really makes building a PC at the same performance level basically impossible.

That said, once you spend the money for the PC you can enjoy a much larger variety of games, better visuals, and cheaper game prices. If you're a serious gamer then you should have a PC with consoles on the side. Since the majority of major games today are multiplatform across PC and consoles, your primary gaming platform should be a PC. This gives you the maximum flexibility in the market.

Just because you own the PC doesn't mean you need to buy all games on the PC. I buy Assasssin's Creed games, CoD games, and Shadow of Mordor on my consoles because I believe those games were originally made for the consoles first and play better there. Sure they may have better graphics on the PC, but I do not like having to plug in a controller into my PC or dealing with 360 degree movement with WASD and a mouse. So really I just buy console games on the consoles and enjoy them probably as much as I would on the PC. Just because a game is better on a platform doesn't mean you're going to get any less enjoyment from it playing it on another platform. If that's the case then you need to take a seriously long break from System Wars.

1. Sure, however they need to offer something for the asking price. Before we were buying into generational leaps and games you couldn't play else where.

2. It's interesting, Playstation gamers couldn't stop bringing it up in the past.

3. PC games are cheaper because there are no royalties to pay.

4. I think it's the other way around, console gamers bring this up defensively and it's meaningless. Why would I mind paying more on a PC when I can do much more with it. We rate value with the question 'for the price, what does this allow me to do?'.

60 fps does a lot more than make it feel smooth.

The entry level to the PC is higher, but no where near as high as the console gamers make out. 'you need an uber PC with high end cards to play', erm no, a GTX 750Ti level card can play most games on high right now on a single monitor.

I used to think 'console games for the console and PC games for the PC' but I think things are different now. The console games on the PC have exactly the same experience as the console, it's just running on better hardware if you have that. In recent years the 360 controller has been integrated to the point where most games have native support for it. It just feels plug and play now (although I know that wasn't your point).

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#45  Edited By Wasdie  Moderator
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@farrell2k said:

So now the goalpost has moved from "You can't build a gaming pc that equals the ps4 at that price." to "You can't build one that runs windows and plays basically all the same games."

What does a system's game catalog have to do with its hardware capabilities? The "it doesn't have windows" argument is the single biggest bit of sophistry floating around here on SW.

Metro Redux on Linux with a 750ti and a x4-750k plays better than on the PS4.

You can build a Windows 7 pc with the above cpu and gpu that will outperform the ps4 in many games and will cost the same or less than the ps4.

It's not moving the goalpost. If you do not put windows on the machine you will not be running the vast majority of games that they get on the PS4. The only thing you're doing is setting up qualifiers. Why would you build a machine that just cannot play the games? Just having the power doesn't mean anything. That's just silly and you've change the entire argument just so you can win it. Why would anybody build a PC that's a bit more powerful than the consoles for the same price yet not be able to play most of the games let alone have less overall features due to the limited hardware?

Go ahead and build the machine. People with a console will be enjoying way more games all why you can enjoy a hollow victory. That's why this is a pointless argument.

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#46 Wasdie  Moderator
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@HalcyonScarlet said:

1. Sure, however they need to offer something for the asking price. Before we were buying into generational leaps and games you couldn't play else where.

2. It's interesting, Playstation gamers couldn't stop bringing it up in the past.

3. PC games are cheaper because there are no royalties to pay.

4. I think it's the other way around, console gamers bring this up defensively and it's meaningless. Why would I mind paying more on a PC when I can do much more with it. We rate value with the question 'for the price, what does this allow me to do?'.

60 fps does a lot more than make it feel smooth.

The entry level to the PC is higher, but no where near as high as the console gamers make out. 'you need an uber PC with high end cards to play', erm no, a GTX 750Ti level card can play most games on high right now on a single monitor.

I used to think 'console games for the console and PC games for the PC' but I think things are different now. The console games on the PC have exactly the same experience as the console, it's just running on better hardware if you have that. In recent years the 360 controller has been integrated to the point where most games have native support for it. It just feels plug and play now (although I know that wasn't your point).

Nah I see a lot of PC gamers (including this thread) trying to convince people that you can build a $399 PC to match a PS4. Now it's a $400 PC that just has as much power as a PS4, not as many features because those aren't important. It's a moving goal no matter who you talk to.

I'll agree though. A lot of console fanboys do not seem to realize the price of a real PC especially in the long term. Up front you'll be paying more, but you don't need the $600 graphic card and $350 CPU with a $200 mobo to play the best games. I would say a maximum of $1000 for the entire system including a mouse, keyboard, operating system, and monitor and you'll still get a gaming machine that will be playing the latest games for at least 3-4 years. And each year that $1000 goes just a bit further. Sure, $1000 is quite expensive up front when directly compared to a PS4 or Xbox One, but in 2-3 years without having to pay $50 a year for the online services and being able to buy large bundles of games for cheap as well as get discounts on the latest games on the PC, the price you pay evens out very quickly and you've still gotten a better overall gaming experience.

You can build a gaming PC with an OS for roughly $600 and be better off than the consoles. I feel though if you're only intention when building a gaming PC is to be slightly better than the game consoles, you need to reevaluate why you want the PC in the first place. Skipping by on it just to say you got something slightly better than a game console is a horrible mentality to go into gaming with. Especially if you want to play the latest multiplats.

If you only want to be playing a lot of older PC titles then it's fine, but the newest stuff (as I said before) won't be optimized for your hardware moving forward. Devs branch the console versions and make special considerations during development for them. They do not do that with the low-end PC market. Devs are much quicker to just raise the minimum specs as it's nearly impossible to optimize for the wide variety of system configurations out there. I've never agreed with low-end PC gaming. I feel it ends up being a hassle. Unless you only like playing PC exclusives then low-end PC gaming is a pretty shallow and frustrating experience as you gamble on if the newest stuff will play nice with your machine and give you a satisfying experience.

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#48  Edited By adamosmaki
Member since 2007 • 10718 Posts

@aroxx_ab said:

@adamosmaki said:

@aroxx_ab said:

3. Yeah PC games is not "much" cheaper. Games like CoD, Farcry etc (no indie budget games) cost almost as much like console games. It is mostly games you dont want to play that come out on steam sales, but if you cared/wanted the games in the first place you had bought them at release. But nah PC gamers just buy lots of games they never want to play just because "it is low price" aka $5

Yeah games you really want play you buy as soon possible, not wait 1-2+ years for a steam sale.

i bought middle earth a month ago of GMG for 20euros . Good luck finding it anywhere south of 40euros on consoles any time soon.

I can find a "used" copy for lover price than that...

then show me that "lover" price. I like when console users use piracy as hurting game industry yet they are ok with used copies. BTW not everyone has access to used games ( in fact outside US and maybe UK is not that common ) also looking at ebay uk a used copy of shadow of mordor including delivery costs is 30 euros which is still more expensive than what it was on sale on GMG ( let alone sites that sell cd keys that have the game for 15pounds )

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#49  Edited By deactivated-5ebea105efb64
Member since 2013 • 7262 Posts

That 3 no. point.

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#50 foxhound_fox
Member since 2005 • 98532 Posts

@DarthaPerkinjan said:

#3 - PC software is so much cheaper then console software. Nope. amazon and other websites have sales just as frequently as steam on next gen games. Driveclub was 40% off at one point on Amazon within 4 weeks of its launch and this is the case with most games. Keep in mind low PC software prices are driven by rampant piracy and poor sales. They're not cheap because Gabe loves you.

This is false. Places like GreenManGaming and Bundle Stars have sales that break the 75% range almost weekly (Bundle Stars for instance usually does a Bundle every two weeks that has 7-12 games in it for $3-5). Steam does 50-95% every three months.

40% off is laughable. And that was DriveClub, a game that was critically panned and needed a price drop for people to be interested in even trying it.

Piracy is rampant on all platforms. It's not about cost, it's about availability of software and ease of use (i.e. piracy is easier to use than DRM-laden software). Steam keeps breaking concurrent user records... obviously PC gaming is growing despite your claims of "rampant piracy and poor sales". Also, didn't Minecraft just break a bunch of sales records?

PC gaming is cheaper than console gaming. This is just observable fact. Spend two minutes looking through console game costs on places like Amazon or websites for retail stores and compare them to Steam or GOG. The investment in hardware is higher than consoles initially, but the cost savings of cheaper games over the course of the length of a console generation saves hundreds of dollars, enough to make up the difference for the hardware.