Driveclub looks fantastic. Looks better than most games I've seen, including The Order and Uncharted.
Driveclub looks fantastic. Looks better than most games I've seen, including The Order and Uncharted.
Killzone SF looks great in spots but there are areas that have tons of seems and look pasted together. I'd say Ryse has the more consistent image. Those gifs don't help, either, as one benefit Killzone does have is the increased resolution over Ryse(xboxone).
On a prior post there are some Nintendo 64 looking skulls on the ground...not sure what game that is.
...I'd also like to point out that animation is part of graphics, imo.
Driveclub looks fantastic. Looks better than most games I've seen, including The Order and Uncharted.
What size screen do you play it on? I have drive club and parts look a little ropey rocks for instance look a little plastic and seem to have a large pattern overlay on maintains or large hills.
Forza I think has better car models the paint in forza looks real and the lanscapes scale is immense, But the weather in drive club is very impressing and the best in a driving game for sure.
So you're using Alien Isolation despite the fact that it's on pc and looks better there?
And Driveclub is definitely impressive. Maybe even the most impressive. Well, until you realize it's a closed track racer. At 30fps
All look amazing, that glass covered skyscraper especially - so much love gone into these games. I'd love to travel back in time to when I was playing Chuckie Egg on the BBC and show myself these screenshots - I doubt I'd believe it :D
My favourite game graphically is Dragon Age Inquisition, looks amazing on my GTX970, especially the rain ;p
Best thing about not being a fanboy is not getting dragged into shit like this. PC will always win the graphics arguments, a 1-3 grand PC vs a 400 console, no competition. Though PC gamers need not be so arrogant about it. Maybe that's why PC gamers compare with consoles so they win all arguments kind of unfair don't you think?
You do realize that you're posting in a thread where someone compared the PS4 to the PC, and not the other way around right?
And he is dumb for doing so. I have both pc and ps4. I like both but try pulling me away from a total war game. I will attack.
Best thing about not being a fanboy is not getting dragged into shit like this. PC will always win the graphics arguments, a 1-3 grand PC vs a 400 console, no competition. Though PC gamers need not be so arrogant about it. Maybe that's why PC gamers compare with consoles so they win all arguments kind of unfair don't you think?
that feel when its a console user making the thread and not a pc person. This smugness about not having a side and trying conquer 'arrogance' is becoming an arrogant meme in itself
Most pc users on this site are pretty cool but you get your jankarcops and the like. I don't have a side because what is the point in missing out on great games because of some petty allegiance to a company or brand. My comment on why pc gamers compare pc with consoles was merely an observation. I enjoy pc gaming I enjoy consoles but there are certian members of each fanbase that irritate me, look at youtube comments I swear evolution went backwards with some of the crap people say on there.
Driveclub looks fantastic. Looks better than most games I've seen, including The Order and Uncharted.
What size screen do you play it on? I have drive club and parts look a little ropey rocks for instance look a little plastic and seem to have a large pattern overlay on maintains or large hills.
Forza I think has better car models the paint in forza looks real and the lanscapes scale is immense, But the weather in drive club is very impressing and the best in a driving game for sure.
I don't have a PS4, I'm just judging from peoples uploaded media. Hopefully one of my friends end up buying it, then I can see it in person.
Also my TV is 42". Is it one of those games that look good in photos but not when you see it in person? That tended to be the case for me for many games last gen.
Completely diagree.
Ryse on XB1 looks better than all those games posted by TC. Ryse on PC which is pretty much a cleaned up version of the XB1 game looks miles better. Ryse is as close to photo realism in an action game as I have seen. With exception to the weather effects, DC doesn't even look as good as FH2 and it is an On-Rails racer while FH2 is in an Open world environment.
Driveclub looks fantastic. Looks better than most games I've seen, including The Order and Uncharted.
What size screen do you play it on? I have drive club and parts look a little ropey rocks for instance look a little plastic and seem to have a large pattern overlay on maintains or large hills.
Forza I think has better car models the paint in forza looks real and the lanscapes scale is immense, But the weather in drive club is very impressing and the best in a driving game for sure.
I don't have a PS4, I'm just judging from peoples uploaded media. Hopefully one of my friends end up buying it, then I can see it in person.
Also my TV is 42". Is it one of those games that look good in photos but not when you see it in person? That tended to be the case for me for many games last gen.
A lot of it is tarted up or photo mode which is an in game paused state setting that it adds extra shit to.
The game does look very nice but odd textures are a little sickly, its hard to explain but almost to rich in colour and for me it takes more than gives on the graphics front.
Movement wise its smooth enough although forza has it licked their and offers a much smoother and realistic experience.
The weather effects on the other hand are awesome and really changes the games look on some tracks, Weather was added later in a update after release so it means the main tour(career mode) doesn't have weather in it which sucks.
I'm not impressed
Honestly, even though Xbone is the weaker machine, in the right hands it can still do more impressive things than ps4. And Vice versa obviously.
I'm really looking forward to Rare's new game, Sony honestly doesn't have a team that can compare with their programmer's imho. They always get the most from what they work with
I just mean Ps4 is not HUGELY more powerful than xbone.
I don't know why you guys bother even replying. Its the same old shit from the same poster every single fucking time using the same tired routine. Anything you lot say to counter him will just be met with the usual response of "LALALALALALALALALALALA MY OPINION IS RIGHT, YOURS IS WRONG, I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALALALALALALALALALALALA".
Best thing about not being a fanboy is not getting dragged into shit like this. PC will always win the graphics arguments, a 1-3 grand PC vs a 400 console, no competition. Though PC gamers need not be so arrogant about it. Maybe that's why PC gamers compare with consoles so they win all arguments kind of unfair don't you think?
that feel when its a console user making the thread and not a pc person. This smugness about not having a side and trying conquer 'arrogance' is becoming an arrogant meme in itself
but you get your jankarcops and the like.
so fakes, then
Best thing about not being a fanboy is not getting dragged into shit like this. PC will always win the graphics arguments, a 1-3 grand PC vs a 400 console, no competition. Though PC gamers need not be so arrogant about it. Maybe that's why PC gamers compare with consoles so they win all arguments kind of unfair don't you think?
that feel when its a console user making the thread and not a pc person. This smugness about not having a side and trying conquer 'arrogance' is becoming an arrogant meme in itself
but you get your jankarcops and the like.
so fakes, then
Well yeah, forget I said anything I should have explained better but those kind of people give gamers a bad image no matter what the platform. The way I see it is play what you like but don't give others a hard time because they chose something different.
Those games don't even look better than Crysis3 Ultra PC....heck some of them are trumped by AC:Unity Ultra PC, Aliens Isolation Ultra PC, and Metro2 Remastered Ultra PC.
PC is still the best gfx system, and will continue to be every year and gen.
then how come most multi plats look and play like shit on pc?
I don't know why you guys bother even replying. Its the same old shit from the same poster every single fucking time using the same tired routine. Anything you lot say to counter him will just be met with the usual response of "LALALALALALALALALALALA MY OPINION IS RIGHT, YOURS IS WRONG, I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALALALALALALALALALALALA".
Got to find out how thick his fanboy goggles are!
Those games don't even look better than Crysis3 Ultra PC....heck some of them are trumped by AC:Unity Ultra PC, Aliens Isolation Ultra PC, and Metro2 Remastered Ultra PC.
PC is still the best gfx system, and will continue to be every year and gen.
then how come most multi plats look and play like shit on pc?
Those games don't even look better than Crysis3 Ultra PC....heck some of them are trumped by AC:Unity Ultra PC, Aliens Isolation Ultra PC, and Metro2 Remastered Ultra PC.
PC is still the best gfx system, and will continue to be every year and gen.
then how come most multi plats look and play like shit on pc?
You didn't even put effort in this troll post.
pointless to compare graphics, every game has their upside and downfall in terms of visual quality
Like sub 24 average fps, black bars (sub 1080p), set-piece tiny environments, and blur/grain effects for any console game that looks half decent.
Smoke N' Mirrors
So is Ryse better than Ethan Carter on PC? Haven't played either on the PC yet.
WUT? Graphically is pretty impresive, as game, hell no, get ethan carter.
@Krelian-co: Oh ok. Just wanted to know if Ryse is the thing he should be comparing for a PC game.
nah that would still be crysis 3.
Well let's be honest, Ryse WAS made for the Xbox One. Only so much you can do when porting over to PC.
Hell Crysis 3 on the PC looks better than all of those.
Face it, the PS4 cannot hold up against $500 GPUs. This should not be surprising to anybody.
And yet TC just keeps on trying
I guess it is a bit surprising to people who refuse to face reality.
Anyone who thinks Crysis 3 looks better then all those is delusional. DC makes just about every game look like a simple video game.
I take it you've not played Crysis 3 on a PC. No in fact I know you haven't because I own both Crysis 3 on my PC and DriveClub on my PS4 and I can say without any doubt it's not nearly as good looking as Crysis 3 on my PC.
That said, DriveClub is beautiful, probably the best looking racer on the market except for Project CARs are ludicrously high resolutions that only a handful of people can run. Still, it can be visually inconsistent and you can easily tell where the limitations of the PS4 come in when you start looking at the LoDing.
Crysis 3 on the PC is visually amazing through and through. It pushes way the hell more detail per frame than DriveClub does.
@Wasdie: I have played it max on a GTX 680 and no it doesn't hold a candle to DC. Nothing resembles realism currently as much as DC. Even DF agrees with the weather effects it is the king.
I don't believe you one bit mainly because the only delusional person would say DriveClub looks better than Crysis 3 on a good PC. End of story.
The PS4 is not capable of handling graphics at that level. It's that simple. The weather effects are fantastic in DriveClub but that doesn't make up for the fact that once you get about 50 feet from the track the trees turn into low res bullshit. The game is riddled with jaggies (which honestly upsets me because I was expecting a much cleaner image) and it only runs at a pathetic 30 fps, which after playing Forza 5 is god damn unacceptable for a racing game.
I still enjoy DriveClub despite all of my hate. It's definitely not a great game though. Too many flaws. On the surface it looks great but when you start closely examining it the graphics fall apart fast due to the obvious limitations of the PS4. If it was rendered on a PC with proper GPU strength then perhaps nothing would touch it. Since that's not the case I refuse to agree with it looking as good as you say.
@Wasdie: I don't care if you believe me your post is riddled with bullshit and a complete lack of knowledge. PS4 can't handle Crysis 3 visuals? That's funny because technically Ryse is more impressive and it ran on the XB1. A PS4 could handle crysis 3 at it's max settings although it would be limited to 1080p and 30fps. Full global illumination and a weather system that puts everything else to shame DC is simply doing more impressive things while Crysis 3 is a upscaled 360 port.
@Wasdie: I don't care if you believe me your post is riddled with bullshit and a complete lack of knowledge. PS4 can't handle Crysis 3 visuals? That's funny because technically Ryse is more impressive and it ran on the XB1. A PS4 could handle crysis 3 at it's max settings although it would be limited to 1080p and 30fps. Full global illumination and a weather system that puts everything else to shame DC is simply doing more impressive things while Crysis 3 is a upscaled 360 port.
"Ryse is more impressive than it". Yeah that's a load of shit. I also have Ryse on my PC, and while it technically has a more modern version of the CryEngine 3, it was clearly built with the limitations of the Xbox One in mind and does not look as good as Crysis 3 does. Just having the tech doesn't mean it's being used to its fullest potential.
You also have obviously never played Crysis 3 on a PC if you think it's just an upscaled 360 port. That's the delusional thinking.
How low are willing to stoop to try to defend the PS4? At what point are you willing to come to terms with the fact a $399 machine does not outperform a $600 GPU and the very few games that actually utilize that kind of GPU power (Crysis 3 being one of them) look far better than anything the PS4 could dream of doing?
Seriously. It's 2015. This whole console fanboyism bullshit has just gone on long enough.
@Wasdie: Higher levels of geometry a better lighting model yes Ryse is more impressive then Crysis 3. Websites that do it for a living already made the claim. I'm not sure what's so hard for you to understand. As scalable as Cryengine is Crysis 3 is still shackled by last gen hardware. You acting as if C3 looks better then anything on consoles is laughable.
Justification of spending 3x more on hardware will always cause one to spout bullshit. I'm sorry but outside of large performance advantage on high end rigs the PC isn't producing anything leaps and bounds better then consoles. The hermit hyperbole has gone on long enough. The simple fact is a $400 PS4 offers a far larger leap over a $200 PS3 then a $1500 PC does over a PS4 and that's a fact.
@Wasdie: Higher levels of geometry a better lighting model yes Ryse is more impressive then Crysis 3. Websites that do it for a living already made the claim. I'm not sure what's so hard for you to understand. As scalable as Cryengine is Crysis 3 is still shackled by last gen hardware. You acting as if C3 looks better then anything on consoles is laughable.
Justification of spending 3x more on hardware will always cause one to spout bullshit. I'm sorry but outside of large performance advantage on high end rigs the PC isn't producing anything leaps and bounds better then consoles. The hermit hhyperbole has gone on long enough. The simple fact is a $400 PS4 offers a far larger leap over a $200 PS3 then a $1500 PC does over a PS4 and that's a fact.
No, Ryse is still not better looking than Crysis 3. As I said, technicals don't tell the whole story, final image quality does and Crysis 3 still has the edge whether you accept it or not. At least I've played both games on a PC as you clearly haven't. Ryse would be better if the levels weren't tiny and constricted where they can tightly control the amount of polygons rendering because the GPU in the Xbox One is outdated. Sure have a character model of 80k polygons when the level is about the size of your average living room and needs 1/5th of the polygons to render than an average level of Crysis 3.
The simple fact is that a $399 console does not match modern PCs no matter how much it's delusional fanbase says it does.
Man, Crysis still looks amazing. Yes of course technically it's not as advanced as newer games and some indoor textures aren't that good but due to the fact that the game is still being discussed in these threads, after 7 years of its release, is nothing but impressive. Not to mention a lot of stuff that the game did back then is still not a standard in todays video games, and that's shameful.
Man, Crysis still looks amazing. Yes of course technically it's not as advanced as newer games and some indoor textures aren't that good but due to the fact that the game is still being discussed in these threads, after 7 years of its release, is nothing but impressive. Not to mention a lot of stuff that the game did back then is still not a standard in todays video games, and that's shameful.
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