Its in Italian, but the rough translation is this.
available they give: 10 Wednesdays October, 2007
The arrival dates are always indicative and can vary of some days.
The indicative price for the shipment of this article (1 piece) without mark e' of 9.00 EUR, to verify however during the confirmation order
Although two various configurations of the system exist, the base characteristics are common to both: riproduttore of Blue Disc for films to high definition, processore Cell for a power of unparalleled, Giga-bit Ethernet for one logon to Internet to high speed and always active calculation, one logon HDMI for optimal performances on the televisori to high definition (HDTV) and a fixed disc from 20, 40 or 60 pre-installed GB. Beyond to these extraordinary functionalities, the version with fixed disc from 40 multiple GB includes the support for dispositi you of memorization external and connettività wireless.
More proof it seems of the 40 gig. If this is true, it looks like the memory card readers are still going to be included and so is wifi. Notice it doesnt have the the chrome on it anywhere either.
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