You guys realize he said they weren't huge issues.. They're just little things that may come up, and he's right. I could see one controller causing quite a few conflicts with families I know.UCF_Knight
It certainly will cause some rivalry between siblings in a family. But on the other hand, that is a natural & quite common accurance, outside of the Wii U's context. That 'ish ain't even worth writting about.. like at all.
Regardless, the main point spread on 2 points in that article could have ben adressed in one point. Another one of those points is irrelevant (The Smash issue, peoples comfort zone regarding controllers depends on the person himself, i know tons of people that found the gamecube controller garbage. And there are hella alternatives). In another one of those points the author fails to comprehend that rechargeble AA batteries exist.
The only minor annoyance is the lack of a built in HDD, which isn't a big deal, at all, because it has a) 8GB internal flash memory; b)SDHC slots; and c) support for external HDD, which is cheap as all hell.
That article is attempting to graps at the bottom of the barrel, and can't even do that properly. Poorly written, overall.
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