Many fanboys/haters/crazy people try to sound convincing and intellegent with their posts, inorder to win over some users to prove the opposing poster wrong. However, what drives me insane, is how these people use WORDS WRONG! Seriously! Whatever, here are the words/ideas that I see gets used wrong the most.
1) LOGIC: Logic, Logic, Logic. Your logic is flawed, you lack logic, that post was illogical, etc. When people use this word out of context, I cringe, I want to smash my keyboard against my face, and stab the keys into my eyes.
Lo-gic -
1.the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. 2.a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic. 3.the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study. 4.reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: There wasn't much logic in her move. 5.convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness: the irresistible logic of the facts.
READ THIS. UNDERSTAND. If the post of a user is understandable, and you can understand where this person is coming from, then it's logic. YOU JUST CANT SAY "ur no logical lol".
2) /THREAD: A thread doesn't have to end just because you say so, if you don't like where things are going, then leave. That just means that you can't defend your own argument, or you must stink at debate. Or, of course, it can be used in just friendly or harmless talk, and that's OK. But now when your hopeless in a debate.
3) U FAIL LOL: No one fails, no one loses, it's their opinion on the subject. You just can't blatantly say, "u failz". At least give a reason, and a good one at that.
4) OWNED: I have seen people say owned for things that were not owned worthy. Many, many times. This is just a timing thing, and if someone says something coherent, and (sigh) LOGICAL, u don't say "owned, ur such a N00B, ur logic is flawed, u fail, /thread. People just say owned to make them feel like they did something good, and/or funny, when in the end, all they did was make a fool out of themselves.
5) Kiddy: Many people call systems, games kiddy, just so people think it's too babyish for one person so he/she will think that the game sucks just because it's for kids, and not REAL HARDCORE fat 256 pound geeks. Now, this word may not be used incorrectly, but it's used when it's not supposed to be used, and in short, shouldn't be used at all.
Ok, well I hope this helped.
Bring it on *equips armor and weapons*
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