In your opinion?
I'd say:
1.Virtual Boy
2. Atari Jaguar
3. Wii
4. 3DO
5. Xbox
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The fact that you put the Xbox and the Wii on that list shows that you are either: A a fanboy or B very ignorant on the subject of gaming history.
Anyway, here's my list:
1. Apple Pippin (undeniable nr. 1 really)
2. Atari 7800
3. 3DO
4. CD-I
5. Amiga CD32
wow you ppl are fanboys
10: sega saturn
9:sega 32x
8:Saga cd
6: Neo Geo
5 3D0
4virtual boy
3 jaguar
2 turbographx
and the worst, is, of course the Apple Pippen
What do you people have against the Virtual Boy? Its a victim of a biased potrayal by the media. Damn the media.Can-o-Mark
did you ever play it? it was terrible, ic ould never see the screen good, and what i did see gave me a headache from eye-strein
[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]What do you people have against the Virtual Boy? Its a victim of a biased potrayal by the media. Damn the media.shadow_hosi
did you ever play it? it was terrible, ic ould never see the screen good, and what i did see gave me a headache from eye-strein
Agreed. Reports stated that if you played it for more than a half hour you would get Migranes.
1. Gamecube
2. NES(sorry I didn't like it)
3. PSP
4. PS3
PSP isn't a console and it's actually awesome and the only handheld to ever survive against Nintendo.
PS3?? Really?? What's your justification for that? It's got the newest technology, it's got the best hardware, it's got a ton of upcoming games in development. Isn't it a little early to be claiming any of the current consoles as worst ever.
Anyway my list would be: Jaguar (decent hardware, but no support from Atari), numerous Atari iterations some were horrible, 3DO, CDI, Neo-Geo (great for the arcades, but horrible as a console $300 games was a bit much)
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"]EPIC FAIL3DO
Virtual Boy
sega CD
I was talking about that Abomination of a HDD equipped PS2 sony released in Japan that bombed. I consider it a new syestem. It wasnt a PS2, it was the PS2 they released that had the built in HDD and Ethernet jack.
[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]What do you people have against the Virtual Boy? Its a victim of a biased potrayal by the media. Damn the media.shadow_hosi
did you ever play it? it was terrible, ic ould never see the screen good, and what i did see gave me a headache from eye-strein
I own one. And the screens arent that bad. The fact that you can adjust them so they're perfectly focussed for your eyes works great. The only downside in my opinion is is that everything looks rather blue-greenish as soon as you look back into the normal world.
[QUOTE="Shenmue_Jehuty"]1. Gamecube
2. NES(sorry I didn't like it)
3. PSP
4. PS3
PSP isn't a console and it's actually awesome and the only handheld to ever survive against Nintendo.
PS3?? Really?? What's your justification for that? It's got the newest technology, it's got the best hardware, it's got a ton of upcoming games in development. Isn't it a little early to be claiming any of the current consoles as worst ever.
Anyway my list would be: Jaguar (decent hardware, but no support from Atari), numerous Atari iterations some were horrible, 3DO, CDI, Neo-Geo (great for the arcades, but horrible as a console $300 games was a bit much)
I owned a PSP and sold it fairly quickly because of its personal lack of appeal
PS3 has a horrible Library of games right now with a few decent ones actaully coming out in 2008. I will say though that its place at #4 isn't permanent depedning on what we see in the coming years.
I dont get why everyone is saying PS3. Have you never played one before, its great fun. black_awpN1
Not really. I'd perfer a 3DO with the superior version of Street Fighter II.
The true crime here is listing the Saturn.
Wow, nobody has said Dreamcast yet. Personally i think it kicked ass, feel free to yell at me.
1. Virtual Boy
2. Game Gear
3. CDI
4. 3DO
5. Jaguar
afailures in no particular order
Wow, nobody has said Dreamcast yet. Personally i think it kicked ass, feel free to yell at me.
1. Virtual Boy
2. Game Gear3. CDI
4. 3DO
5. Jaguar
afailures in no particular order
kicked ass = awesome.
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]EPIC FAIL3DO
Virtual Boy
sega CD
I was talking about that Abomination of a HDD equipped PS2 sony released in Japan that bombed. I consider it a new syestem. It wasnt a PS2, it was the PS2 they released that had the built in HDD and Ethernet jack.
The HDD just slipped into an existing point in PS2s and the Ethernet Jack just plugged in on the back of the PS2, both of which were available in the US. I had the Ethernet connector for online gaming, but never had a need for the HDD.
1) Philips Cdi:
Terrible, even the Zelda titles which were NOTHING like most Zelda games made that thing even remotely interesting
2) Panasonic 3do:
Aside from Street Fighter, the console relied on FMS to make the games seem different which did nothing put cause confusion for the gamer,
3) Playstation 3
Prove me wrong Sony, Have had it since launch has had ups and downs but the highs are nowhere near the highs that its two competitor are enjoying, perhaps MGS will turn the tides but till its in my PS3 it means nothing.
4) Atari Jaguar
The concept and the gaming selection was actually pretty awesome, I still play Katsumi Ninja and Alien Vs. Preditor to this day however the controllers were nothing short or terrible and the extra buttons at the bottom that require a piece of cardboard that came with the game to be placed over top of them just so you knew what they did was lame.
5) Sega CD
At least the 32x offered me a cool version of Doom and Star Wars, the CD failed much the same way that the 3do did relying on sizzle rather then steak.
3) Playstation 3
Prove me wrong Sony, Have had it since launch has had ups and downs but the highs are nowhere near the highs that its two competitor are enjoying, perhaps MGS will turn the tides but till its in my PS3 it means nothing.
I'll prove you wrong:
Currently PS3 has the best games graphically, the most future proof components, includes many things free that competitors are charging for, is consistently outselling the X360 and has nearly 3 times as many good rated games as the Wii according to metacritic.
How does that make it one of the "worst" consoles???? Please explain yourself.
In your opinion?
I'd say:
1.Virtual Boy
2. Atari Jaguar
3. Wii
4. 3DO
5. Xbox
Wii no.3? Lmfao
Its one of the worst consoles of all time for trying something new and sucCeeding? And putting gameplay first and graphics 2nd? I don't think so
Anyway heres my opinon
1. Virtual Boy
2. Atari Jaguar
[QUOTE="TheMysticHorse"]In your opinion?
I'd say:
1.Virtual Boy
2. Atari Jaguar
3. Wii
4. 3DO
5. Xbox
Wii no.3? Lmfao
Its one of the worst consoles of all time for trying something new and suceeding? And putting gameplay first and graphics 2nd? I don't think so
the wii is a mixed bag, I hate games like wii sports but Mario Galaxy is nearly flawless.
1) Philips Cdi:
Terrible, even the Zelda titles which were NOTHING like most Zelda games made that thing even remotely interesting
2) Panasonic 3do:
Aside from Street Fighter, the console relied on FMS to make the games seem different which did nothing put cause confusion for the gamer,
3) Playstation 3
Prove me wrong Sony, Have had it since launch has had ups and downs but the highs are nowhere near the highs that its two competitor are enjoying, perhaps MGS will turn the tides but till its in my PS3 it means nothing.
4) Atari Jaguar
The concept and the gaming selection was actually pretty awesome, I still play Katsumi Ninja and Alien Vs. Preditor to this day however the controllers were nothing short or terrible and the extra buttons at the bottom that require a piece of cardboard that came with the game to be placed over top of them just so you knew what they did was lame.
5) Sega CD
At least the 32x offered me a cool version of Doom and Star Wars, the CD failed much the same way that the 3do did relying on sizzle rather then steak.
I had the CD and 32X and still can't figure out why people hated them. I had quite a few games on both. :?
As far as the list goes I really enjoyed about every console I had since the Atari 2600.
[QUOTE="Can-o-Mark"]What do you people have against the Virtual Boy? Its a victim of a biased potrayal by the media. Damn the media.shadow_hosi
did you ever play it? it was terrible, ic ould never see the screen good, and what i did see gave me a headache from eye-strein
Must be a selective thing, i played the hell out of it (in fact this thread has made me want to bust it out again) and never had any ill effects..Mario tennis... what a gem...Let's count it up by points.
1. Being number one on somebody's list, gives 5 points
2. Gives 4 points.
3. And so on...
6. Anything after 5 doesn't count.
6. If you listed the same console twice, then your entire list doesn't count.
?. If there was no order to your list, then your entire list doesn't count.
!! If you edited your post after I added points to the loserboard, the edited post isn't taken into consideration.
:( If you deleted a post, the loserboard isn't affected.
1. Virtual Boy - 36
2. CD-I - 24
3. Jaguar - 19
4. Apple Pippin - 15
5. 3DO - 15
6. PS3 - 14
7. Xbox - 12
8. Gamecube - 8
9. PSP - 7
10. Gamegear 7
11. Turbografx - 6
12. Amiga - 5
13. Master System - 5
14. Sega CD - 5
15. NES - 4
16. Atari 7800 - 4
17. Wii - 4
18. Gizmodo - 4
19. PS2 - 3
20. NeoGeo - 3
21. N-Gage - 3
22. Xbox 360 - 2
23. Saturn - 2
24. Sega 32x - 1
25. Atari Lynx - 1
Post ending fabz_95.
The fact that you put the Xbox and the Wii on that list shows that you are either: A a fanboy or B very ignorant on the subject of gaming history.
Anyway, here's my list:
1. Apple Pippin (undeniable nr. 1 really)
2. Atari 7800
3. 3DO
4. CD-I
5. Amiga CD32Can-o-Mark
I couldn't agree more.
and people complained about the 600$ pricetag for the ps3, can you believe this was 600$ with NO games.
because it was supposed to be not only a gaming thing, but also a portible workspace. you had to get the thigns and install them, it was supposed to be.....honestly i have no f**kn idea what it was supposed to be
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