Why can't we come to the conclusion that blu ray looks A LOT better than dvd and not a tad bit?
Because it really doesn't. Unless you're an extreme videophile. The bottom line is, you're not missing out on much if you watch a movie on DVD rather than Blu-ray.
Hmm, lemme see. You're saying the average person won't be able to tell the difference between SD and HD, and it must take an extreme tech geek to tell them that there IS a difference between 480 and 1080 resolution when placed side by side?
You mind telling me what this is then. For this whole generation, lemmings have been using this kind of stuff to declare ownage on cows that the 360 is better the ps3 in running multiplats. Are the people here, SO obsessed with the little details regarding not more than an inch of difference on the textures, thinking that ps3 owners are so deluded in actually having the NOTION that a lot of games looks exactly similar(don't hide it, you know a lot of lemmings here did), these geniuses actually can't tell the difference between dvd and blu ray? And somehow now the ps3 owners are 'extreme videophiles' for being able to?
You realize thats saying the same thing as the majority of wii multiplats have the same graphical level of the hd consoles right?
The graphics between the 360 and the PS3 isn't due to the difference between DVDs and Blu-ray discs. So far, the extra space on Blu-ray has only been to store uncompressed audio. Since the debate here is about DVD and Blu-ray, I'm talking more movies than games. The entry pricepoint for Blu-ray just isn't worth it to a lot of people. I mean, sure, you'll watch the movie is greater detail and resolution, but you're still watching the same movie on a DVD. And the resolution/crispness of the image isn't THAT much worse than a Blu-ray movie.
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