Thanks for making MY review and preview the subject of your post, but please direct your ire at the specified writer and not at others, like me, who also cover video games for the company. Your blog post is wondering why two reviews (my arcade review and the mag's console review) have different scores when they were written by TWO different people. Obviously they will be different.
Also, on the point of a payola conspiracy, I think that's quite out of line. If there is something going on, I certainly am not getting a cut nor would I be writing for a publication that participated in that. I play every single game I review to completion (feel free to check my gamertag/PSN, childlikeslave; I have some trophies/achievements on my debug unit) before I submit a review and I try, as far-fetched as it seems to some, to present an argument for every score that makes sense to our specific readership.
Anyway, feel free to check back after Feb. 2 for MY reviews of the games. I am under embargo until then, but I am sure you'll see that I have wildly differing perspectives on each.
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