[QUOTE="Javy03"]There is a lot more that goes into building a PC then just those parts. Do you honestly think ANY console gamer can just build a PC even with those parts marked out. They would have to hire or get a friend to do it for them. Most are not that savvy. And most of the issues console gamers have with PC's is maintenance. Yes they can play the games currently out but what about the games coming out in a couple years, who knows, maybe not all of them or the way they want to play them. Gamers also have to pic their own controller and assign it to every game, tweak setting, etc.
Console gaming is and always will be PC gaming for dummies. You buy one piece of hardware that can play all the games as long as they have your system's logo. You don't have to worry about a games specs, hardware changes, upgrading, compatibility issues, keys and DRM. You buy a console, a game and a TV and your good. PC gaming also lacks certain genres that are well liked on consoles like platformers, hack n slash and action adventure games. FPS, RTS and MMOs tend to be where the money is spent.
PC gaming is great but it's different. It's not as pick up and play as console gaming and will always have a limited market because of that.
How much is it to properly configure a TV so that it gives the best results? Ignorance on something isn't a defence under the law, and shouldn't be in SW!!! Action adventrure eh? Like Amnesia? :)Configuring an HDTV is not too hard and for the most part not as necessary as configuring properly your controller.Heck most people just use the factory settings and never even know they can improve the picture quality slightly. Just because your not getting every color as vibrant as possible doesn't mean you can't enjoy your game, however if your controller is not configured properly or your system then the game may not play or have horrible controls.
Besides people are still gaming on an SDTV nowadays. I am not saying ignorance is an excuse, my point is that PC gaming is not as easy to get into so mentioning it as if it's a viable option for most is silly. It has a much steeper learning curve then consoles. Console gaming is PC gaming made EASY and only a few console gamers will want or can evolve from console gaming to making their own rig.
And I am sure you can name a few action adventure games but they are not as prevalent on PCs as their are on consoles, or at least used to be on consoles. The best most popular well known action adventure, hack n slash and platformergames are on consoles with only SOME of them ported to PCs. If that is your genre of choice your best bet is to stay with a console.
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