Also has a monthly fee on top of live feekcpp2bI thought you were leaving ? Anyway...
You don't need Gold for mmos.
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[QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="Gamersince81"][QUOTE="Demetri_OS"]Will there even be 60 people who buy R:FoM 2?ParadiddleFill
2 million has the first one. If you look online ANYTIME youll see many people still playing the first one. RFOM will be the Halo of PS3!!!!!
thats it man the game is jinxed now
anyways 60 players seems like alittle to much if you ask me. Ive played the battlefeilds and all the novalogic games including all the delta force games. And once you get more then 20 players even on huge maps like that it becomes really chaotic, for example you got the spawn campers and the guys who go out really far and get good sniping spots and then aim for the spawn points and pick up the body counts.
LOL lemmings you sink so low... lol insulthing BF2... FOR SHAME, that is the best online multiplayer game i have ever played... and i still play it...umm i wasent insulting the game, i was saying that i prefer less people playing so the game doesnt become chaotic. Dont take your lack of reading skills out on me
lmfao no point in arguing with a lemming, i mean your opinion over pretty much everyone else hah[QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="Gamersince81"]LOL lemmings you sink so low... lol insulthing BF2... FOR SHAME, that is the best online multiplayer game i have ever played... and i still play it...AskForDetails
umm i wasent insulting the game, i was saying that i prefer less people playing so the game doesnt become chaotic. Dont take your lack of reading skills out on me
lmfao no point in arguing with a lemming, i mean your opinion over pretty much everyone else hahi take my own opinions over others if thats what youre getting at.
[QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="Gamersince81"]LOL lemmings you sink so low... lol insulthing BF2... FOR SHAME, that is the best online multiplayer game i have ever played... and i still play it...ParadiddleFill
umm i wasent insulting the game, i was saying that i prefer less people playing so the game doesnt become chaotic. Dont take your lack of reading skills out on me
lmfao no point in arguing with a lemming, i mean your opinion over pretty much everyone else hahi take my own opinions over others if thats what youre getting at.
Anyone who suggests that 64 players for bf2 makes the game to chaotic has no clue what they are talking about.
CoD 4 is an arcade nade fest with only 12 people.
Its really sad how many people consider themselves hardcore FPS players and have never played PC shooters.
why the hell would we want resistance 2
gears of war 2 is going to destroy it just like gears of war one slaughtered resistance 1
60 player mp who cares resistance was 40 players and it sucked
gears of war won 30 goty awards resistance got nothing it got the shaft
gears won every major multiplayer game of the year award
again resistance got the shaft
this time 60 players can get together and play complete mediocrity
u can bet insomniac wont release resistance 2 around the same time gears 2 comes out
insomniac is pretty much scared $hitless of gears since it completly obliterated resistance
btw huxley has 60 v 60 so once again
what you forgot to mention was that RFOM was a better game then gears
and yes i own them both
[QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="Gamersince81"]LOL lemmings you sink so low... lol insulthing BF2... FOR SHAME, that is the best online multiplayer game i have ever played... and i still play it...Coyo7e
umm i wasent insulting the game, i was saying that i prefer less people playing so the game doesnt become chaotic. Dont take your lack of reading skills out on me
lmfao no point in arguing with a lemming, i mean your opinion over pretty much everyone else hahi take my own opinions over others if thats what youre getting at.
Anyone who suggests that 64 players for bf2 makes the game to chaotic has no clue what they are talking about.
CoD 4 is an arcade nade fest with only 12 people.
Its really sad how many people consider themselves hardcore FPS players and have never played PC shooters.
sorry i play realistic shooters none of that 64 run and gun that is battlefeild, which is such an arcade game. Try playing games like delta force black hawk down or flashpoint and tell me 64 people isnt chaotic
Lets See if Gears 2 can make it out in 2008, doubtful, considering that Epic recently stated ( i think in december ) it has yet to start the 360 version of UT3EVOLV3Sorry I don't have a link but yes they have started UT3 for the 360. Can someone please post it for me.
[QUOTE="luigigreen"]:lol: People are going crazy over 60 players online, meanwhile, PC games, such as BF 2, have been doing that for years. Consoles, always on the cutting edge of internet play. ErkiduAs an avid BF2 fan, that's pretty much what I was thinking. :)
And 64 people on one map isn't that great really, it's just pure madness.
As an avid BF2 fan, that's pretty much what I was thinking. :)[QUOTE="Erkidu"][QUOTE="luigigreen"]:lol: People are going crazy over 60 players online, meanwhile, PC games, such as BF 2, have been doing that for years. Consoles, always on the cutting edge of internet play. Supafly1
And 64 people on one map isn't that great really, it's just pure madness.
you have clearly never played bf2. its nothing like pure madness.
[QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="AskForDetails"][QUOTE="ParadiddleFill"][QUOTE="Gamersince81"]LOL lemmings you sink so low... lol insulthing BF2... FOR SHAME, that is the best online multiplayer game i have ever played... and i still play it...ParadiddleFill
umm i wasent insulting the game, i was saying that i prefer less people playing so the game doesnt become chaotic. Dont take your lack of reading skills out on me
lmfao no point in arguing with a lemming, i mean your opinion over pretty much everyone else hahi take my own opinions over others if thats what youre getting at.
Anyone who suggests that 64 players for bf2 makes the game to chaotic has no clue what they are talking about.
CoD 4 is an arcade nade fest with only 12 people.
Its really sad how many people consider themselves hardcore FPS players and have never played PC shooters.
sorry i play realistic shooters none of that 64 run and gun that is battlefeild, which is such an arcade game. Try playing games like delta force black hawk down or flashpoint and tell me 64 people isnt chaotic
Its differant for every game. Thats obvious. But to suggest that just becouse a game supports 64 people its pure madness is just false.
It has a lot to do with the size and desighn of the map, and the types of games you play.
CoD4 with 12 people is way more chaotic then a 64 player game of bf2. Some BF2 maps can feel down right boring at times even with 64 people becouse they are so large.
you feel like you wre actually a part of it, like you actually mattered in fewer player matches
i know halo has 8v8 and even that's too much for me
my point: more is not always better. i mean it's great that it's in there but it doesnt necessarily mean it's better than playing a good 4v4 or 2v2
[QUOTE="Demetri_OS"]Will there even be 60 people who buy R:FoM 2?Gamersince81
2 million has the first one. If you look online ANYTIME youll see many people still playing the first one. RFOM will be the Halo of PS3!!!!!
i hope not ...halo series sucked besides the 1st one
Lets See if Gears 2 can make it out in 2008, doubtful, considering that Epic recently stated ( i think in december ) it has yet to start the 360 version of UT3EVOLV3
actually what Epic meant to say whats that they are going to continue work on the 360 version of UT3 in 2008. the 360 version was shown off in the past..they just stopped developing it to get the pc/ps3 version out of the way so they can spend time with microsoft to figure out how they are going to get mod support for the 360 version.
even so..the odds of gears of war 2 releasing this year is abit small
Some of you people have obviously never played on large scale maps. Maps that are designed for large amounts of players work fantastic, at least in BF2 and 2142. It's not nearly as chaotic as some would think, especially when people organize into squads and spawn with each other, it can add a whole new dynamic to the game. Persoanlly, Strike at Karkland 32 v 32 with squads in BF2 is still one of the best times in any online shooter. I guess some people are only used to 8v8 console shooters...
[QUOTE="Supafly1"]As an avid BF2 fan, that's pretty much what I was thinking. :)[QUOTE="Erkidu"][QUOTE="luigigreen"]:lol: People are going crazy over 60 players online, meanwhile, PC games, such as BF 2, have been doing that for years. Consoles, always on the cutting edge of internet play. Coyo7e
And 64 people on one map isn't that great really, it's just pure madness.
you have clearly never played bf2. its nothing like pure madness.
I clearly have and I don't like the 64 player servers. 32 suits me better.
third actuallyI must say am Quite Impress
More AI, More Players, Bigger Maps, Better Graphics And this Just second Gen
[QUOTE="kcpp2b"][QUOTE="TheCrazed420"]Huxley will do 60 vs. 60. Ownage denied.coldsteel321
Also has a monthly fee on top of live fee
:lol::lol:Why are lemmings talking about Huxley? It will be best on PC anyways.
Silver account works
Yeah no possible way to use any sort of strategy or planning. just run and gun60 players with Resistance's weapons? Yeah, I bet the balance will be great.
[QUOTE="D00nut"]Yeah no possible way to use any sort of strategy or planning. just run and gun60 players with Resistance's weapons? Yeah, I bet the balance will be great.
What strategy can you have with 60 players running around like raving psychos?
[QUOTE="darkmagician06"][QUOTE="D00nut"]Yeah no possible way to use any sort of strategy or planning. just run and gun60 players with Resistance's weapons? Yeah, I bet the balance will be great.
What strategy can you have with 60 players running around like raving psychos?
Guys you need to realize that Insomniac said that they were gonna make this game heavily team dependant, so squads come into play, and different ****s is sure to make strategy more important. I mean look at BF2, it had tons of players, but alot of strategy too. So I dont think this game is gonna be "60 raving psychos" running and gunning.
[QUOTE="kcpp2b"][QUOTE="TheCrazed420"]Huxley will do 60 vs. 60. Ownage denied.coldsteel321
Also has a monthly fee on top of live fee
:lol::lol:Why are lemmings talking about Huxley? It will be best on PC anyways.
:lol::lol: why do cows talk about UT3. it's best on PC anyway :lol:
For the last goddamn time, not every match is 60 players, it will be just like the first one with varying players in each match.
4 on 4
8 on 8
12 on 12
16 on 16
20 on 20
30 on 30
something like that.
Just because there haven't been any 60 player games on the 360 doesn't mean the 360 can't handle them.
It's merely a case of quality versus quantity. Call of Duty 4 supports only a maximum of 18 players online on the PS3 and 360 and it's afar better game than Resistance.
have anybody read the spec list?
you all come in here saying that 30vs30 is to much but you clearly haven't read how its gonna work.
like some other posters have said before, When you're in the lobby waiting for the game to start you will be assigned to different squads, with each squad having a different objective. and if they don't complete or stick to that objective they will not be able to win the game....
why is this so hard to understand?
it's not gonna be a 60 player frag fest. insomniac are forcing people to think strategically with this system.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]:lol: cows think 60 man MP = AAA shooter
you guys are the most amazing fanboys on SW
I think lemmings are the only people who arent impressed by the R:FoM 2 news. I know if this was announce for X360 u would be screaming about how the PS3 is officially dead.
I doubt it. As other posters mention, Huxley already has R:FoM2 beat with respect to number of players allowed. Educate the rest of the cows that 60 players at once is not setting a new mark since Huxley can handle more players. People here have been saying that it can handle 120 players, and maybe that is a more current number, but an article found here on Gamespot states that it can handle 200.
Huxley Preview
"Huxley can support 200 players in a battle because while the visuals are handled by Unreal Engine 3, the networking backbone and servers are all based on Webzen's proprietary technology, and the company is one of the biggest players in South Korea's massive online gaming industry."
Just because there haven't been any 60 player games on the 360 doesn't mean the 360 can't handle them.
It's merely a case of quality versus quantity. Call of Duty 4 supports only a maximum of 18 players online on the PS3 and 360 and it's afar better game than Resistance.
It is?
Have they even fixed the online yet? Or is it still "downloading game settings" everytime you log on?
CoD4 has garbage party and clan support.
And the hit detection doesn't work on the sniper rifles or ACOG scope.
Yay? Too big if you ask me. I don't personaly like being in combat every second of the game with no chance to stratigize or think out their defense. There won't be much team cooperation, and the enemy could gaurd the objective through sheer numbers alone.phantom-4112
Alot of you keep saying stuff like this, have you ever played a Battlefield game? whats stopping it being like that? X_x
[QUOTE="mcjagspire"]why the hell would we want resistance 2
gears of war 2 is going to destroy it just like gears of war one slaughtered resistance 1
60 player mp who cares resistance was 40 players and it sucked
gears of war won 30 goty awards resistance got nothing it got the shaft
gears won every major multiplayer game of the year award
again resistance got the shaft
this time 60 players can get together and play complete mediocrity
u can bet insomniac wont release resistance 2 around the same time gears 2 comes out
insomniac is pretty much scared $hitless of gears since it completly obliterated resistance
btw huxley has 60 v 60 so once again
Open Game Informer's January issue.
Read the Gears of War for PC review.
Laugh at yourself a little.
Why do cows say to themselves, "oh, gears was great, sucks for us! Wait a minute, the PC version was slightly worse, OMG, the whole concept and evey version of Gears was horrible! Yay, the PS3 is best console ever!
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