i know users could have b.s.'d on the poll, but i doubt this many have...
according to the poll, as i'm typing this, 8:34am pacific (not including users who do not own a 360):
- 8678 users own a 360
- 3926 users have had one fail (45.2%)
- 4752 users have not had one fail ( 54.8%)
i own all three consoles and love them each in their own individual way, but its a little difficult dealing with this average... especially since i've had mine fail THREE times, each replaced with a different, refurbished console... i've bought 8 360 games that i would love to play, but gotta deal with this load'a... grrr
Yeah, big BIG BS. Take into consideration that people will lie on polls, such as sheep, hermits, and cows. Consider that they're mad and lie, which is most likely what happens. :D No poll is not 100% accurate, not ever 90%, consider how many people in the world own a 360, who have had natural breaks with their 360, people who do something to their 360 to break it (dropping it, modding, Nyko nitercooler, etc, etc). Even look into the 360 forum, with the broken 360 stickey, last time I check there were around maybe 3500 posts there, now see how many people re-post, how many people might actually not own a 360 and are bull *******, and who did something to their's.
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