1. Cut the price before the ps4 drops put out a bundle with a wii sports U game and a hard core game.
2. Cater to both the hard core, casual and, nintendo fan crowd they need
A. A true WII sports equal to bundle with the system and recapture all of the casual market sittout around. with HD, and online multiply bowling tennis ect.
B. A true next Gen AAA FPS for the western market made from the ground up for the bro dude shooter corwd.
C. The next mario, Metroid, Zelda for hard core N fans.
3. FIRE REGGIE AND Most at NOA promote people from RETRO to run NOA.
4. Postition the game a a next gen hard core RPG machine, with sequeals for MH, xenoblade,last story pandora, FFCC, a mainline FF, Tales, and others
5. MOney studios, and western Ips. why didnt they buy saints row? why didnt they buy THQ why arnt they fightign for market share?
7. Money hat blizzard to make games for thesystem. The wiiU game pad can now accurately do RTS, and PC type MMogames
Please discussand lets save to see if nintendo does anything close to what makesgood sense
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