You are a fanboy and an idiot. Could it really be possible that the Cows are regressing to a RR360DD Lem mentality?
With what you told me, you have absoutely zero understanding of how HDTV even works and actually think that by changing your resolution, you are actually changing your sets display which is absoutely impossible. You cannot make a 1080p vs 720 p comparision on a 1080p set just like you can't make the same comparision by switching resolutions on a 720p set. While your set will accept 480, 720 and 1080, it will only output one. Viewing 720 on a 1080 set doesn't give you 720.
On any A/V site, you would be laughed at by everybody right now and sadly if the tables were turned and the Lems were boasting about 1080p instead, you would be saying the exact opposite.
There are many things that make the PS4 better than the Xbox One that can’t be easily expressed in number like “1080p, 60 fps,” but are often more relevant than raw resolution and frame rate to the final result you’ll see in front of your eyes. And yes, developers will most possibly sacrifice resolution and/or frame rate in order to implement elements and effects that, in the end, simply make the game look better, numbers be damned.
These Cow vs Lem arguements are lame. Why? Because they are simplistic and most of the people having these debates don't know jack shit about the tech. They just look at higher numbers and roll with it. Sadly system wars is nothing more than fighting simplicity with simplicity. All the cows know is raw power used for resolution and FPS. All the Lems know is t3h cl0uDZ.
At times all that raw power will go towards resolution and framerate, but many times it will be invested in having bigger worlds in which you can see much farther, have better lighting that makes everything looks more natural and “alive,” fight smarter enemies designed to challenge us much more effectively, and so forth.
1080p and 60 FPS look very good on paper, but we don’t play papers. We play often extremely complex entities called games, that are made by a lot more than simple numbers. Maybe it’s time to look at the whole picture instead, and be excited again for better and more relevant reasons.
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