this thread fails
xbox 360 was released in 2005 (and pc hardware has upgraded dramatically since 2005) so your comparison fails.
those framerates and resolutions are personal tastes, just because something has 60 fps and extremely hi res doesnt mean the graphics automatically are better...... thats really funny that a hermit would say this. all hermits must know resolution deals more with screen size than anything ( higher resolutions for bigger monitors.....)
and not many people can distinguish between 30 and 60 fps, thats why many games use 30fps (also in case u didnt know, TV, no matter HD or SD is sent in a signal that produces 13 frames a second)
of course a brand new video card is going to own consoles that have been out over a year. but how many games are really going to take advantage of that brand new video card, and have good gameplay......probably the same amount as the consoles have (maybe 1 percent each year that are worth playing) (not actual figures just an estimate, before some fanboy starts yellin LINK LINK LINK)
i used to love p.c. gaming, but alot of pc games when i was into them didnt allow me to map a controller (or they did it very badly) thats why i quit playing p. c. games except for RTS games and sim games.
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