@Thunder7151 said:
ESRAM has much lower latency and higher bandwidth than GDDR5.
Latency affect CPU is basically a non issue for GPU.
Also you are comparing it to GDDR5 on PC,which is use for video memory,on PS4 the memory controller is different is not the same,as the one use for PC,funny how the xbox one CPU is actually faster than the PS4 one,1.7,yet the PS4 beat the xbox one in CPU test done,how is that possible if the PS4 CPU has more latency do to using Gddr5.?
ESRAM help the xbox in some cases in other it will not,reason why no FPS runs at even 900p on xbox one,anything that doesn't fit on those 32MB of ram will cause problems,also the actual bandwidth the real one achievable is lower than the PS4 one.
@ronvalencia said:
At 1080p, most games are not ROPS limited i.e. games such as COD Ghost and Battlefield 4 are mostly CU bounded. A CU includes ALUs and TMUs. ROPS includes memory writes.
1.3 TFLOPS GCN (prototype-7850) with 12 CUs + 32 ROPS was proven to be inferior to 1.76 TFLOPS retail GCN (7850) with 16 CUs + 32 ROPS. Both prototype-7850 and retail 7850 has the same 153.6 GB/s memory bandwidth.
Xbox One with 32 ROPS would not change the current situation.
The xbox one doesn't have a prototype 7850 it has a Bonaire GPU period confirmed by MS,and Bonaire is 16 ROP,you want to make seen like MS stripped half the ROP for no reason at all other than you thinking that they are unnecessary,no is not like that the xbox one has a Bonaire GPU that has 16 ROP period.
@04dcarraher said:
ROPS make a difference and so affect the gpu's ability in the end results..
ROPS are responsible for final pixel output, having 16 ROPs definitely puts the Xbox One at a disadvantage many pc gpu's and PS4 have 32,, The difference in raw shader performance (12 CUs vs 18 CUs) can definitely be a problem in games that run more complex lighting routines and other shader intensive jobs on each pixel, but all of the resolution differences between Xbox One and PS4 games at launch are likely the result of being ROP bound on the X1 along with less processing power. This is probably why Microsoft claimed it saw a bigger increase in realized performance from increasing the GPU clock from 800MHz to 853MHz. The ROPs operate at GPU clock, so an increase in GPU clock in a ROP bound scenario would increase performance more than adding more CU's.
But the 7770 can do 1080p, with a 72GB/s bandwidth.
I don't think the 7770 need 32 ROP,but the 7790 probably does it has higher TF count than the 7850 yet it performs like 20% slower.
I think that if MS would have gone with GDDR5 they would be hitting now 900p at least with the same quality of the PS4,instead of 720p.
Look at that benchmark i posted the 7770 is very capable of pulling 1080p and not only in Racing games,also on FPS.
I think ESRAM is the real problem here,alto i have say many times that the xbox one has less usable power than the 7770 has,actually 100Gflops less of usable power,in the end less power is less power,and ESRAM was hinted since before launch to be a pain in the ass of developers,the xbox one is under performing under its own spec.
Don't read to much into that bold part,MS claimed they saw a bigger gain by having a clock increase,fact is it would have been impossible for them to do anything else to bump the spec without delaying or actually facing a horrible shortage of epic proportions,the xbox one GPU has 14 CU 2 are disable for yields,if MS would have let those 2 on,they would have a massive shortage,because every single GPU with less than 14 CU would have been thrown away.
So they claimed that they saw bigger gain from the up clock,but on real life every one knows 2 more CU would have help the xbox one more,no matter what the 7790 with 14 CU beat the 7770 with 10 CU regardless of the 7790 been more ROP restricted.
That link i posted prove that real easy,the gain from having extra CU would have been better,MS was just damage controlling how they best can.
@navyguy21 said:
Right now? Yes, absolutely.
Down the road? Who knows, its all about the game and/or the engine.
PS3 was also the more powerful console but we rarely saw that in action.
Im just saying that raw comparisons are misleading. We all know the PS4 is more powerful, it would be silly to deny.
All im saying is the difference isnt as huge as cows are saying, or as small as lems are saying. Its up to the devs to determine.
The PS3 was a pain in the ass to code for,and had an exotic CPU,that is not the case with the xbox one.
Miss leading how so.?
What 1080p vs 720p is not huge.? Since when is not huge,that sort of thing happen on PC and the one with 1080p will be crown the undisputed graphics king,hell on PC GPU are crown like graphics king by just doing 10 FPS more across the board is most games,even less in many cases.
If the R290 was able to beat the Titan by doubling in resolution,the hardware sites would be in arms now proclaiming the R290 and the supreme champ of GPU.
The xbox one can only do 1080p on games that are not that demanding,on anything else it just plain doesn't.
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