@SolidTy said:
@magicalclick said:
My GOD. Just go ask other Xbox360 owner. This is getting so much BS. Yes. It wasn't on the GwG list. So does every fffff games offered free before GwG.
I have told you all the facts. PURE facts. The only problem is with you dismissive nature.
It was NOT a ffff glitch. Tons of people knows about it. Just ffff asking around already. You are getting on my nerves. I am talking to a wall.
You have provided zero evidence nor any links. We can't call those facts, can we? They are just claims made only by you. I did provide both links and evidence to the reality, that TR was released for the first time with GWG March 2015. I also scoured for info on your behalf and found nothing with Google. I did ask other 360 owners as well.
It's not a big deal to figure out the truth. In my experience, there are people that get emotional after making dubious claims and it's to cover up other things. I know it's the internet and I can't expect honesty. For instance, if you recalled suddenly how you truly came across TR 2013 in July during our conversation, I don't expect you to tell me due to some sort of internet pride. It's fine though, after my research I already know the score.
You initially said GWG gave you TR and now we know the truth that it did not happen. You acquired the game by some other means, but not by an official GWG release.
Mystery Solved.
Tbh, I feel like I was talking to a wall, but I didn't let you get on my nerves. It's really not an emotional matter. I just wanted to figure out the riddle, but now I know you weren't interested in finding out the answer to the riddle. You probably already figured it out, but at least we know it wasn't a sanctioned official GWG release (well, I knew that yesterday, but you came to terms with that today).
@magicalclick said:
Just ask other people already. Stop bugging me. Good job making me frustrated. No, I cannot find the definitive proof. I already gave you all the facts from my side. And it doesn't make my facts any less real. I am done.
Go ask OTHER OTHER OTHER Xbox360 owners.
I can show you my download history with zero purchase XBL record. Any i doubt you give a damn.
I did ask others and I've been cordial. No one is validating your story from anyone I can talk too regarding GWG July 2013 when it was still $60. You obviously came across the copy somehow. Maybe you played a trial of it, I don't know. BTW: I have over a hundred XBL friends, not to mention other websites. Why am I being tasked with that job anyways.
Also, you are the one who made the odd GWG claim, it is you who is burdened with proof when making odd claims which you have failed to provide. I provided evidence and did way more than my share. I shouldn't have to prove your case for you.
I'm not out to bug you. I just wanted to clear up your initial claim which for some reason makes you antsy and a bit stubborn to let go, although you have provided no evidence to back up your claim. I did provide evidence on my end.
Again, it's not a big deal. We have established wherever you got TR in July 2013, it wasn't from GWG.
All I ever sought out to do was clear up the misinformation you provided on page one:
@magicalclick said:
I like TR2013, especially it was free on GwG so soon. XD.
I got to the bottom of it. I've done that. TR wasn't on GWG so soon back in July 2013, but it was on GWG in March 2015 as I said yesterday with my very first quote to you. Now anyone reading this knows that as well unless you ever come up with some sort of evidence otherwise like I provided earlier. Did you get the game somehow? Sure, maybe. You never provided how, but it's not a big deal. The game was made free earlier this year and you have it now for sure.
Either way, enjoy your copy of TR, have a good a good day.
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