[QUOTE="Infinite_Access"][QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]The weapons aren't very balanced. Usually it's a race to see who can get the best weapons first. If you have 2 good people, one is using an assault rifle and the other is using a rocket launcher, the person with the rocket launcher will win, almost every time.DragonfireXZ95
It IS a race to get the best weapons. Its all part of tactics. "I'm at this side of the map so I need to get _________ but beware of someone with _________ because they are spawning over there"
That's just stupid... What if I don't know the maps? What if it spawns someone closer to a weapon than someone else? It's just unbalanced. Because it doesn't give all the players the same tools as everyone else, that's called unbalanced. Especially when half the guns are complete garbage.Its called playing the game and learning the maps. Its not hard, first console game i played online was Halo 3, i was terrible i didnt know the maps, everyone was better than me, i couldnt aim for **** didnt like the BR or sniper rifle, didnt know the maps. It took me about a month to really get to know the ins and outs of every map and not jsut the basic layout but the best possible tactical position, the best route the run the flag the best jumping spots, and and all that good stuff. Naturally after about a year of playing Halo 3 i jsut got better and better. Finally got my 50 general. There were times in certain matches were the setup of spawns were bad but honestly depends on the gametype. Team doubles is a nightmare, it usually comes out to whoeveer gets the power weapon first and camps, but in a 4v4 match its pretty intense and it really comes down to jsut outgunning/ or usung teamwork to outflank the other team. I play a lot of Swat, snipers, and or MLG. No game is perfect, but Halo is one of the better balanced games out there. Just becasue you get frustrated in not having the best possible outcome all the time jsut relax, calm down and look at what did i do wrong or what can i do to spnk that person next time he thinks its funy to hide around the corner witha shotgun. Just get out there and own people dawg.
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