PS3: Cows....please for the love of God, do not attempt to compare NG:S to NG2. In the end, your trying to copmpare a game that lemmings played 3 years ago (with better graphics and slightly more content), to a brand new game built for the ground up (read: all new content and inproved GAMEPLAY). Let's assume for the moment NG:S does have better graphics in the end. Would you rather play an old game with 10% better graphics, or an entirely new game? Oh and also, please refrain from trying to own anyone around here until your awesome games start launching and delivering because last time I checked: your the most expensive console with the worst critically received games, and the worst sales of the bunch. I have faith in the PS brand but come on. Wait for the horse to win a race before you start trying to breed him. Wii: Congrats on the sales for the console. "WTF" in regards to sales of software. I see how sheep are excited that Nintendo's offering has at least one bullet point against the competition this time, but how on Earth can you claim the superior control scheme if the majority of people who buy your system only play Wii sports, Wii play, and the odd game here or there. The attach rate of the Wii is mind boggingly terrible for such a runaway success in hardware sales. Couple that with the fact that we still have yet to see anything from 3rd parties even remotely comparable to the 360 or PS3 in terms of awesome 3rd party titles. The 08' multiplat 3rd party titles alone look to be better than anything on the Wii coming next year except for the usual update titles that Nintendo churns out (and even then they look better in most cases IMHO). 360: A few things here. 1st, MS needs to get their stuff straight with this whole RROD thing. Now, I've only had my box since last Christmas and I've NEVER had a single issue, but then again, there ae people having issues so don't regress on the progress you've made MS. 2nd, It's time to make Lvie free. If there were dedicated servers, I would gladly pay for Live, but the fact that paying for live basically only gives me the feature to play online kind of pisses me off. You're already leaps and bounds ahead of the competition in terms of get to their price point or offer something that trully is worth the money (READ: DEDICATED SERVERS). 3rdly (is that a word? :lol: ), good job on the games. Above all systems out there (yeas even PC if you cound form when the next gen of consoles started as you should) you have delivered some serious gaming thus far. Pretty much the only genres that have fallen a little flat so far have been platformers and the JRPG (yeah it's getting better, but we need a AAA JRPG or 2 to have it totally locked down).
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