[QUOTE="agentfred"][QUOTE="kejigoto"] Letting a western company handle this was probably the first problem. The second problem was making it look like a made-for-TV movie that you would find on ABC family. kejigoto
Everything about this screams bad idea, did those behind this "movie" actually watch the series or do any research at all?
I beg to differ I'd love to play a game based on this film, I can see myself using justin chatwin as a digital character in either a fighter or an RPG game. talking about the film is off topic, I was merely pointing out how good the movie looks and thus the possibility of a translation into a blockbuster titleAgentA-Mi6
I would hate to play a game based on a movie that is based on a series that already has plenty of great games out. How exactly does terrible movie suddenly = good game? Maybe Factor 5 needs to be let in on this cause apparently Alvin and the Chipmunks and Spacechimps video games didn't cash in enough keep them afloat. Also talking about the movie is right on topic because if the movie is bad, how can the game be good?
If a movie is good, typically the game is ok at best, I've seen great movies with terrible games (just check out Iron Man) but suddenly this idea goes the complete opposite and you get a great game from a bad movie? Another issue I see here coming into this is that any Dragonball Movie game will pale in comparsion to the other Dragonball and Dragonball Z games on the market. Fans won't go for it (I for one won't waste another moment on watching this movie nor will I even bother with a game based on this movie) and I certainly don't see those who aren't fans being drawn to this either. If a game based off a movie was going to change the industry and way developers do things it would have already been done and the only game to even come close was Golden Eye for the N64. Sure there are some good movie games, but when was the last time a truly great game came from a movie?
I still believe what I've always believed, anime is animated for a reason, it'd be terrible to see it done in real life and this just furthers my belief in that.
Well, Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was an awesome game that came from an Ok movie.Although, I think this is because the game wasn't based off the movie directly... Just the character, so maybe that's why it was so good.
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