[QUOTE="wildwild"]2gb of memory for 35 dollars? umm where?AzatiS
I can found you 4 with 48$
About TC!
PC as a "console" its indeed far more expensive than console. Its a fact -end of story
Its a fact also that it offers (game-wise because thats what we are talking now) a lot more than any single console.Name a few:
1)Best BC there is. You can play easily all PC games since 1996. Thats what i call BC.. :)
2)Great FPS-RTS-MMORPG experience. Not only because of the controls/internet gaming but because of teh BIG community-tournaments helding worldwide and the competition there is thru these games. Totally pownage for FPS-RTS-MMOs gamers.
3)A system that is plays ALL previous gen console-handheld games and even ARCADE titles via Emu. And when i say ALL i mean it. So what ,it got BC on consoles too? Oo Thats pownage too !! :) ( Its legal by law to download and play these games,when you got already teh originals)
4)Great free and not only,online gaming experience.From the simplest yahoo-google games to the more advanced WEB-mmos or Free mmorpgs/shooters games. You easily can find such a game via thousands over the internet and have fun with other users/gamers aroudn the globe.
5) Technically and graphically (not to mention content wise) gaming on PC is the higest quality for any multiplatform game till today. (With so little exceptions that cant think of one). For example Gears of War. Extra content and all with some scenes never seen before on 360 etc. Thats a plus for PC. (Even if i dont know whats the differences ppl and dev talking a bout because i never finished teh game on 360).
6)Mods,mods and again mods. Lets sya youre fan of HL2 and source engine. You can play via other circumstances and gameplay or even story modes of your favorite games.And guess what .. FOR FREE!!! Thats add a lot of value to games.Considering that and the fact that you can find the best new PC titles for 29 to 39euros (via 59 to 79euros for consoles) its another plus for PC gaming.
Because lets say till the end of this gen youll buy 10-20 console games. Youll spend around 599/700 to 1298/1400 euros via 299/598 to 399/798 euros. The difference of these prices can fill up the difference of hardware price(if you bought a high end PC ). And there you go.
Now if you cant live without SMG or MGS4 or any other high quality game that wont find its way on the PC,then a console is for you :). And plz dont start with the upgrades PCs need, because i own a PC 5 years now and still im playing COD4 on 1024x768 max setting with nice frames,and havent upgrade it since then even once.
The thing is simple.
You want to play what consoles can offer or PC? And you can make your choice,for your tastes and your wallet.
Good post. Too bad the PC fanboys will always believe that PC gaming is cheaper than consoles. =(
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