[QUOTE="Shadow_op"][QUOTE="cobrax25"][QUOTE="Shadow_op"][QUOTE="-RPGamer-"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="-RPGamer-"] Great more canon fodder, stop the presses on that breakthrough :roll:
I'm starting to think less enemies on the screen the better, I would rather have a complex small set of enemies than a large relatively stupid group of enemies doing hive tactics.
You ever play a Total War game? It is the definition of Real Time STRATEGY.:| I like RTS titles, you don't need hundred of thousands of units to make these games good/great. More units doesn't equate to break throughs in gaming, it's just means you have more processing doing the same exact thing they were doing with smaller units.
Take Warcraft 3 in example...
Warcraft 3, is a completly different kind of RTS. "Total War" is not represented by simply a few units fighting against each other.
I can do with 20 units that will last me half an hour what you can do with 100,000 that last one battle.This is essentially what I'm saying.
Gamer A - sends 3 people flanking left, 2 people flanking right, 3 pinching from behind, and 6 right up front.
Gamer B - sends 3000 people left, 2000 people right, 3000 behind, 6000 in the fray.
Same concept just bigger numbers. That's not a break through.
wrong, you've basically just proved you have no idea what the hell you're talking aboutwhen you control individual units in Warcraft 3 you don't have to worry about which way they are facing, you don't have to try to wheel them around to meet flanking maneuvers, you don't get to control the depth of rows for that regiment or the breadth to which you will spread them out, all of which are options available in Total War games, all of which are tactically significant with regards to changing terrain and enemy movements
sending three orcs to hit the enemy's "flank" in Warcraft 3 is nothing like setting up an outflanking maneuver in Total War. Depending on the depth and breadth of your rows, it takes time for your units to wheel around the enemy, and given bad terrain, it could slow your regiment down or even break up that unit's cohesion. there is a tactical and strategic depth to the most "simple-looking" maneuvers...sure the concept may be the same, actual implementation and gameplay is not
your experience with RTS games does not = all RTS games, and your assumption that Total War plays just like Warcraft 3 with bigger numbers makes a glaring display of how little you know about this game...seriously, you should try it first before coming here and blurting out a bunch of baseless, unsupported assumptions about the game
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