It's really cloudy weather over here which means it's a good time to catch up on some games.
But it got me thinking. Looking up, seeing all the differently shaped and colored clouds. Seeing the sun try and creep through some cracks in the clouds. Boy, games have really come a long way in emulating this.
We went from a single texture for displaying the sky, to dynamic weather and volumetric clouds. Can we even call it a skybox anymore ? it's not just in a fixed position anymore. The sky is all around you in games now. And it affects your game: dynamic weather can have gameplay influences. And lately we've seen stuff like sandstorm and lightning storms in Mad Max and Radiation storms in Fallout 4. Which look really cool, I might add.
Skyboxes have come a really long way, they aren't just a texture anymore now. They are an extension of your game world.

So this is a thread about skyboxes, you don't see those a lot. But it's 2015 now, move along foliage, we got some amazing skyboxes now.
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