With the current gen coming to a close with the release of the new consoles, I think that now is perhaps the best time for reflection on the absolute worst games of the previous generation. Of course, some idiots are gonna come in here durrhurring about Mass Effect 3 or Metal Gear Solid 4 or whatever popular AAA game it's trendy to beat on, but let's ignore that and take a nice look back at some of the worst games the previous generation had to offer.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Released for the franchise's fifteenth anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 turned out to be the absolute rock bottom for a series that had been struggling since it hit 3D. Highlights included a horrible story that made no sense, a terrible new character who basically existed to rip off the gravity gun from Half-Life 2 (because after Half-Life 2 came out every game wanted that Havok physics engine), copypasted levels, hair-pulling "mach speed" sections, too many glitches to count, and some of the most abnoxious loading screens to grace the systesms it appeared on.
Ride to Hell: Retribution
In another time and place that exists only in the imagination, this might've been a neat sandbox game. Instead, it was a completely incompetent mess, with glitches and bugs out the ass, a braindead story, laughably half-assed audio, and fully-clothed sex scenes so tasteless and out-of-place you have to wonder exactly who thought this would be a good idea to release.
Anubis II/Ninjabread Man
They're the same game. No, seriously. They're literally the exact same game exect with different skins and models.
Yes, the Wii was no stranger to half-assed shovelware cash-grabs, and Data Design Interactive's titles were perhaps the best example of this. Or the worst.
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