In the information age, the decline in quality and diversity, in exchange for quantity and predictability ensures that the only loser will be the consumer. The only losers are people who believe they've "won" simply because they consume. The real winners are laughing all the way to the bank.
Thanks, but no thanks, keep your warm sentiments, I take no consolation in the existance of good so long as evil actions continue to be taken in a market I love. I do not lay aside my convictions simply because "eveyone can be happy!"
War is love, Peace is ignorance, Compromise is death.
no, you're not right.
there's no decline in quality and diversity. but there is an increase of quantity and predictability. it can all come together and it is. We still get the all-alike FPSes, but as well different and innovative ones, and games like Katamari, Wii Sports, WarioWare, SOTC and Spore teaching us that there's still room for originality. That's to name only quite a few. But we still get those games with the numbers 4, 5 or even 13 at the end of the name. There's no exchange. There's a market expanding, and you can bet there's place for everyone, since it's far from saturated.
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