[QUOTE="sparkypants"] OK alot of 360 fans are saying that Halo 3 will have this HUGE effect on 360 sales,which there is no doubt that systems will sell because of this but and there is a BUT how many? I mean there are about 1,000,000 pre-orders(which is amazing) but thats only about 10% of all 360 owners as of right now, so if 90% of 360 owners aren't getting the game what makes you think there is going to be this huge outside rush? So far everyone I talk to say they got the 360 already for Halo 3. With this in mind how many consoles do you think this game will push?
Your logic fails horribly when you realize that preorders are NOT the only way to get the game. I can and will go into more detail of why will Halo 3 push consoles, but I'll give you a quick rundown if you don't want to read:
Everyone said the same thing about Halo 2. It was in an even worse situation, as more people had the Xbox by then, and the product was much more mature (meaning spikes in sales were less likely), and pretty much everyone who played Halo had an Xbox by then. It had a massive number of preorders, but not too many compared to the number of Xboxes. And it made the xbox outsell the PS2 during November 2004.
Now, going into more detail. The 360 has Gears of War, but it didn't prove to be a Halo-level killer app. The 360 is yet to get all the IPs that made it sell at all, and Halo is the 600 pound gorilla in that list.
Go into XBL to play Halo 2. It's the second most played game out there, and you'll usually see a large number of xbox only players. You can go to bungie.net and check there the amount of people active without gamercards.
Then, you've got the Media Blitz. Halo is part of popular culture, despite it's sales. It's a well known property and known to be popular amongst casuals (fanboys keep ranting about this, too). This would be enough to insure a spike in console sales... and we're not counting the massive advertising as well as stuff like deals and promotions. This will ensure the amount of consoles sold.
This will compound to the recent price drop (which will trigger a nonlinear increase in sales, or at least should), and ramping up of 360 game releases that should raise consumer interest during the next month and a half.
All these will help spur 360 sales. How many consoles will it push? I'm guessing closer to Wii levels than to the actual level in September and maybe october, and after that, we won't know, since it'll be mixed with the holidays, and those should be a bigger factor than H3 by then.
Best answer yet :D
But here is a question despite all the advertising and such(Halo Mt. Dew FTW) alot of casual are all ready on board with the Wii(even though Im not entirly thrilled with it...thats for another thread though) Do you reallly think the casuals will swich? I mean I know pre-orders dont equal total sales but Im talking this holiday season. I mean there are alot of crazy cool games coming out this holiday season(for all systems)more so then when Halo 2 came out. Do you think 3 will have a huge effect in sales or will the Wii or even the PS3's line up over shadow it?
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