There I said it.
Hate the Wii all you want... but all of the consoles are currently available on the market and everybody wants the Wii, it's creaming the 360 and PS3 in sales, the Wii will always be cheaper than the competition, Nintendo's big first party games have yet to be released, and there is already a lot of talk from developers that they are going to shift focus to the winning side (The Wii)only adding to the Wii's already unstoppable momentum.
The most likely scenario is that the Wii is not not only going to win the console war, but it's going to win BIG.
You are all entitled to disagree with this prediction, but given how much faster the Wii is currently outselling the competition, the odds are that this trend will continue.Thus making this prediciton more grounded in reality than the delusional fanboy pipe-dreams that are praying that the Wii is just a fad and will fall flat on it's face as no sales precedent has been set for this line of thinking.
Sure... it's a marathon, not a sprint... and there is the unlikely chance that the Wii will slow down, but given how much faster it is currently out-running the competition... it's more likely that it will simply leave them in the dust.
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