My E3 guesstimations:
- The physical console has been redesigned to look more like the Gamecube or Wii.
- The controller receives a few minor changes, but nothing major.
- Will upscale Wii titles to 1080p.
- Price: $250-$300. Will include two tablet controllers out of the box.
- GameCube games wilil be on the Virtual Console in 1080p.
- Will be able to play Nintendo DS games and possible Nintendo 3DS games.
- The Nintendo 3DS with the Circle Pad Pro can be used as a secondary controller for some games.
- Nintendo 3DS connectivity.
- Stereostopic 3D support for games if developers wish to use it.
Playstation 4:
- Price: $300-$350.
- Will come with Move, Eyetoy, and Dual Shock Controller.
- Will upscale Playstation 3 games to 1080p.
- Will be slightly more powerful than the Wii-U. (Think GameCube vs. Xbox)
- Trophies will be standard for every game.
- Stereostopic 3D will be standard for all games.
- Vita connectivity and remote play (I can turn on my Playstation 4 and stream Killzone 4 to my Vita to play if someone else wants to use the TV)
Xbox Next (Nice ring isn't it?)
- Will not be called Xbox 720 because "720" is asociated with "720p" so it would sound inferior or confusing to consumers when other systems tout "1080p" plus the name is just **** horrible.
- Will be the weakest of the three consoles (think Playsation 2 vs. GameCube vs. Xbox)
- Price will compete directly with Wii-U.
- Will come with a second generation Kinect and standard controller.
- Stereostopic 3D support for all games.
- Will use Blu-Ray.
- Interface will resemble Windows 8, and the Kinect that comes with the console will be able to be used with computer running Windows 8.
- An Xbox Live Family plan will now allow content to be unlocked and played by everyone on the plan (up to four accounts). So if I have a Family Plan and I purchase a Gears of War map pack on my account, it will unlock that content for my brother's account as well.
- Xbox Live will now be the same accross all three platforms: Xbox, Windows, and Windows Phone and can use features like messaging, party chat, and some arcade games on the various platforms.
- Will come bundled with a game.
I highly doubt we will see an real "graphical powerhouses" this generation, and I think all three consoles will launch under $350 with at least one launching under $300. I think with the directions Microsoft and Sony are taking their consoles with motion controls and the situation Sony is financially, I think they will opt to take the Nintendo route and release hardware that they can start selling for profit right from the gate, or at a very small loss for about a year to year and a half before they start turning a profit. In retroperspective this generation was both great and a pile of crap. Microsoft and Sony lost sight of what a Home Console should be, and as such they lost money, charged more for their consoles, and development costs rose drastically which went a long while to suck the creative freedom out of developers. Even companies like EA are going to be more willing to take risks if development costs are lower for games. For those that think this generation was lacking creativity, it wasn't Call of Duty or any game that caused it, those games were just by-products of the effect; it was the all time high development costs that. In addition I think the longer console cycles are here to stay instead of four or five year console cycles, I think they will start to be six and seven year console cycles. The Wii will be six or seven years old by time the Wii-U launches, the Nintendo DS was seven years old when the 3DS launched, the Playstation 3 will be six to seven years old by time the Playstation 4 launches, etc. This model is far better for both consumers, developers, and console manufactures. Consumers feel like they get more use for their money, console prices become relatively low towards the middle to the end of the generation making them even more accessable. Console manufactures have more time to make a profit and regain any lost money from selling hardware at a loss and research and development, plus more time to plan their next console. Developers do not have relearn how to program for new consoles as frequently, meaning their is a potential for games to become graphically better, less glitchly and of higher shine, polish, and quality, and it will also lower development costs.
EDIT: I also think there will be one SKU per console this generation, no more multiple SKU's it is to confusing for consumers and retailers. on
As for who comes out on top? I think Nintendo will come out on top again with Microsoft in second and Sony in a close third. I think all three consoles will sell0 extremely well and the sales numbers will be extremely close.
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