Now I've been a lemming for quite some time now (I guess I'm breaking the mould with the new generation), and to think, it has come to this...
Lemmings have become arrogant, snobbish, and think they own the place. It's hard not to notice. Perhaps lemmings don't notice, but it really gets on sheep and cows nerves. Things like "Why the PS3 fails", "The complete (biased) list of 360 exclusives coming 2007 (including non-exclusive PC/360 titles)". The one that gets me the most, however, is "If it weren't for (insert big name Wii/PS3 title here), the PS3/Wii is nothing" - you guys may not start those threads, but you certainly don't disagree with them.
Seriously, the 360 is the console that is hanging off one game by far. Only one title that really defines the system. And that is Halo. If it wasn't for Halo, the audience wouldn't be as big as it is now. You can spit any number of titles coming our way: Mass Effect, Too Human (that game looks decent - I know you guys really want that to shine), Forza 2 etc. or even the amazing Gears of War. But just imagine: if Halo wasn't leading the pack, would the 360 be in the position it is now? Would you guys feel as confident as you are now? I honestly don't think so.
The sheep and cows have several amount of titles that define the Wii and PS3 respectively. The sheep have all the classics that casuals have at least heard of: Zelda, Metroid, and the Mario "family" (including SSBM - it may seem funny to you guys, but you're not complaining about Halo Wars right? I'm certainly not.). The PS3 is no slouch either - Insomniac and Naughty Dog games are relatively well known outside the gaming community (Jak and Ratchet have been advertised to death), Gran Turismo even more so (remember how much it rocked our socks when it first came out? Forza may be the better game, but GT is the one everyone automatically loves), and more recently, God of War has been getting quite a bit of attention.
Yet try to raise a conversation about Mass Effect or Forza with casuals and they would either not know the former, or just automatically go "It's like Gran Turismo" with the latter. Talk about the 360 with most people, and usually only one game crops up: "Hey dude, I wonder when Halo 3 is going to come out".
And you guys try and make it out like the 360 is completely owning both consoles right now. Maybe you guys just choose to ignore it, but both rival consoles have only been out for 5 months. The 360 had one year and five months. It was expected to be like this one year ago. And to think, the Wii is only 4 million units behind the 360. Five months lemmings - you need a slap back to reality.
And I hate to admit it myself, but when the PS3 actually has its big guns rolling (MotorStorm? Genji? Only Resistance? Poor showing Sony), it's going to be one helluva ride for the cows. They may just catch up in the race once Square Enix, Naughty Dog, Insomniac and the SCE devs start churning out the system sellers. And for the hardcore gamers, Team Ico will be back with another gaming classic.
If you're a cow or sheep that really does get sick of lemmings being stuck up and stuff, feel free to agree here. I'm coming from behind the lemming frontline today just because I'm getting sick of it. I'll probably go back after this, but I need to know if other people are getting annoyed.
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