[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="King_of_Sorrow"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="King_of_Sorrow"] [QUOTE="jigglebilly1983"]So i see alot of people crying and bashing about how Suppossedly mass effect is only 12 hours without side quests and 20 with. Thats fine by me, but everyone seems to forget one thing about how reviewers play games. They dont play games like we do, they play them like they do, wich would be as a writer with a deadline. they only have so much time to beat a game and draft their reviews before the review goes to print or goes live on their site. Normally, this requires them to play games at a faster pace than we do, so calm down.King_of_Sorrow
Why wasn't this brought up when Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Rachet was reviewed?
Because nethier of those are RPGs with a plethora of sidequests?
I still think 20 hours is too short for an RPG. whatever happen to the 40-70 hours RPGs? I stop playing RPGs a long time ago for the reason they were too long.
I'm not even going to bother with you, as all you will do is fall back on that one single 1 up review and 'take their word over anyone else's.'.
Show me a link of a review that say Mass Effect is 30+ hours. Support you claim, please.I want this game to be good.
Well, there's an embargo on all the big internet reviews until Monday, so all we really have to go on is the OXM review and the Gameinformer review . And Gameinformer said 18-30 hours in their review.
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