Hi, I asked this in PGD but since it is a ghost town no one answered. So I thought I would come here and get SW input on it. I know I am asking the impossible, but try to be honest please. The "PS3 > 360" just added it in to make it SW relevant.
Now I liked the demo for Amalur, I hear it is a very large RPG with lot's of content. It's also made from one of the designers of Morrowind which makes it a much more attractive choice in my eyes. However I hear the game is too easy and it takes forever to get from place to place because it's too large.
AC Revelations I hear mixed opinions on, some say it's good some say it sucks. I hear it's pretty short as well. The thing is though I'm getting AC3 day 1, so I thought I might have to play Revelations first to understand the story. I have all the other AC games (sold AC1, repititive piece of crap), and I think they are solid games.
I do not care about the online for either of these 2 games. I will get it for PS3 becauase it's my preferred platform, unless the 360 version has extra content, then I might consider getting it for my Xbox instead.
Thanks for your help! If this thread does not belong here I apologise to the mods.
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