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I like Oblivion FAR more than Fallout 3. It's all down to opinions, you can't consider a review source's credibility based on whether they prefer a game that you don't.
The oblivion gates were the worst part of the game imo.
the only reason why ive put more hours into oblivion and why i had more fun is because i bought the goty edition which came with knights of the nine and shivering isle. There were also TONS of mods. This may sound abit repetitive but i enjoyed clearing the oblivion gates.
Wow wow wow...slow down there cowboy!i tottaly agree with gs. i think oblivion is the best rpg this gen
Oblivion had alot more lasting power and joy from levelling and such... Also did anyone notice feelings of being unbelievably cosy while playing Oblivion? Fallout 3 has that lovely vicseral shooting to it which I love... And the hunting rifle sound =D Ahhh Well the hunting rifle sounds alone were amazing.
I agree with GS on this one. Oblivion is better than Fallout3. Oblivion has tons more content with guild quests, more side quests, the arena, shivering isles, kotn. More area to explore. I also felt that combat in Oblivion was deeper bc you could use combination of range, weapons, and magic (including summons) while Fallout3 felt like spamming the vats system combined with crappy fps (aiming and strafing is terrible). I only got 40 hrs out of Fallout3 pre-dlc and felt like I had largely done everything there was to do while after 100 plus hours in Oblivion I felt like I had hardly scratched surface and still have guild storylines to finish. The only thing Fallout 3 has over Oblivion is setting
I agree. At least you can enjoy Oblivion as an action-adventure game and you can pretend the RPG system is actually working, while Fallout 3 is broken on all fronts.
Also, Oblivion had a much bigger impact. Technically it was one of the top games back then, and it's quite pretty too.
Hmm, I think Oblivion is helped by being IMO, the first truly next gen console game when launched. I'll never forget when exiting the sewers for the first time and stepping out into that massive world outside - good stuff. :D
Somehow I don't think they were comparing Oblivion against Fallout 3 when reviewing it.InsaneBasurawhy does alicia's head seem REALLY out of place in your sig?
I will never understand peoples love of Morrowind. I guess some people really do like it bland. Seriously though, atleast with Oblivion you could skip alot of the repetitive crap they like to throw your way. Who can honestly say they enjoyed trying to walk across the map for ages to get to some stupid place on a map to pick up some stupid item, then run ALL the way back again to where you started following the same stupid route only for you to have to do the same thing in the next quest? For all people complain about quick travel, it really would havetaken alot of the tedium out of Morrowind. Not only that but they actually made the quests somewhat intresting in Oblivion. Most of the quests in Morrowind involved killing someone, picking something up, then running away. It was the same in Oblvion but the occasional stealthy missions, and semi intresting side storiesreally did take away from the completeboredom of completing a sequence of tedious tasks.
Morrowind had a better playercharacter development system, and a slightly more intresting game world (Though it's no where near as big.), but putting that aside there is very little to give Morrowind the edge over Oblivion. I mean I hate to have to point this out, but Morrowind was a glorified action adventure game with RPG elements aswell. The diffrence with Oblvion is that it dosn't try to pretend it's something its not and it comes with the added bonus of voice acting, which was another massively tedious element that I could have done without in Morrowind aswell (Dialouge. Every NPC likes to give a life story, and funnily enough it's the exact same as the guy before him.).
I'd say Oblivion is on the same level of Fallout 3, and considering the time gap the score is about right. Oblivion didn't really deserve that high a score in the first place though. Don't get me started on Fallout though...
Somehow I don't think they were comparing Oblivion against Fallout 3 when reviewing it.InsaneBasuraExactly, digging up old reviews to compare to much newer games is really not fair to the new or old game.
FO3 has the better graphics but it's still a new skin over Oblivion's bones. I like the original better, but I prefer fantsy to sci-fi anyway. The holocaust environments are depressing after a while in FO3.
Fallout 3 isn't a very good role playing game I will admit, but Oblivion is a bloody awful role playing game.
Fallout is a better game imo, but it has weaknesses (100 in every skill class, useless perks, unbalanced perks, weak stealth mechanics and thick NPCs).
On the bright side, at least the dialogue in Fallout was better, and the speach options somewhat improved on the **** in Oblivion.
the only reason why ive put more hours into oblivion and why i had more fun is because i bought the goty edition which came with knights of the nine and shivering isle. There were also TONS of mods. This may sound abit repetitive but i enjoyed clearing the oblivion gates.
Main reason why I haven't finished the main questline yet are the Oblivion gates. I hate 'em. Mindless fighting without any roleplaying. Though, that describes whole game. I liked the Dark Broherhood and Thief guild quests, but mainly because those need some thinking.
i can hardly pick tbo, i liked fallout 3 more overall but oblivion was impressive when you saw things like merchants working a shift then heading off to the inn for dinner and then home to bed before starting the next day, they even had days off and you would run into them in neighboring towns
both games are awesome and two of my faves this gen
sorta slow paced but whatever everythign has a downside
That's not how GameSpot intends you to use their review scores.[QUOTE="TheElfChild"]
What say you?Does this affect GS's legitimacy as a measure of quality for you?
This. GS's reviews are time specific, platform specific and genre specific (ie technically speaking, scores are only comparable between games of the same genre that are released within the same time period on the same platform). Of course aknowledging that would cause SW to implode on itself, so its probably best that we continue to ignore it.
I agree with them. I liked Oblivion and disliked Fallout 3. For me, swords/bows/magic > beating sticks/guns/explosives.
Face it, Fallout 3 was Oblivion with a different setting and a few improvements. Oblivion was released 2 years earlier and what was great back then wasn't as impressive when Fallout 3 did it.
Basically this. It should be obvious really...
Face it, Fallout 3 was Oblivion with a different setting and a few improvements. Oblivion was released 2 years earlier and what was great back then wasn't as impressive when Fallout 3 did it.
Basically this. It should be obvious really...
Finally, people who see the truth :DI loved them both, but I have to say I prefer Oblivion. There is just so much more to do. Besides in Fallout 3, you can't make a spell that will set people on fire and make them your friend at the same time.
Oblivion is filled with craziness that I enjoy.
I prefer the setting in Fallout more than Oblivion but from what I have played of both, its hard to say. I like both, but Oblivion is definitely a lot more of a game than Fallout 3 is. It just seems to have more depth in its gameplay. While i prefer the more straightforward nature of Fallout 3, i don't mind the massive world of Oblivion.well this gen has been a complete downfall for GS
but i agree though...i had a lot more fun with oblivion than F3
Agreed. Fallout3 was like having Oblivions Body, but then putting a diffrent face over that guy and calling him a diffrent name.
All in all, for me ESIV>FO3 but Oblivion is nowhere as good as Morrowind.
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