just from the beta a can confirm the game will be AAA and 9.7-I have seen some real nice physics like when you die in the river on valhala your guns float down river for a bit,and all the new gadgets and gameplay, yes the graphics could use some polish,ALOT of polish...but I am playing in HD and I see the promise...so casey that is why Halo 3THEKING1337
I'm going to guess a score of 9.8. That's right, 9.8! The first scored a 9.7, so I think that's pretty reasonable. The Beta is very good, and will recieve much improvement, so I'm not sweating graphics one bit. The graphics will be good enough to flesh out the game play experience. besides, the graphics are sweet as they are.
As a series Halo has come full circle. Halo 3 is more like Halo, and that's a great thing. The feel of the Warthog, the pacing, the melee, the weapons, and the design. It's Halo through and through.:)
I don't care if anybody hates on this game. Let them hate. Let them think the PC still has a chance. Let them think the PC is the king of FPS's. Let them think that UT3 is better on PC. They especially think Crysis is the be all end all. Yeah the graghics.:|  Good for PC, which brings a better graphics card out nearly every six months. Crysis had freeking better look the best! Your mouse and keyboard are out! There old.  Let the Sony haters think that Killzone has a chance. Not!:D Let the Haze developers hate on Halo. Everybody wants to see the king fall, and can't deal with there dominance.
They all attack Halo like people used to attack Michael Jordan. Why? MJ was clearly better, and did most everything right. He's the greatest of all time. Halo as a series does most everything right for FPS's, so deal with it. Halo may go down as the best FPS series ever. It already has in my book. Some see the right path, and know it. Some are born with great taste.  Some people are born with bad taste. That's life, what are you going to do?
Look at how many people buy Madden or NBA Live.:| They just have bad taste.:( End of story. The people who recognize skill will go and buy All Pro Football 2K8 and NBA 2K8.:)
So good luck to all those poor souls that get suckered into the next Need For Speed, GTA clone, Madden, or Live title. Good luck to those who pick up Call Of Juarez, Hour Of Victory, and Area 51. Thanks. Ahh, don't be to hard on yourselves. The developers just have bad taste!:|
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