I have a PS3 and 360 and i see no reason whatsoever to keep my 360. Im sick to death of playing Halo and Gears, the other exclusives they have are few and far between, Kinect looked like an utter joke and there is just no catalyst i see for a reason of keeping my 360. Im not going to renew my xbox live membership because i play all my online games on PS3 now. I use netflix more on my PS3.
Pretty much what MS said this E3 is "For core gamers will continue our routine of Gears and Halo year after year and the occasional Forza, now on to Kinect" Yea Gears is great i give them that, and Halo while i great i could live without. There is just nothing interesting in the 360 pipe line anymore. Move looks much more entertaining for a wide variety of games.
I also like how Sony is pricing Move titles at $39.99 while MS is charting $60.00 for kinect titles, wow. Really MS? any other 360 owners out there feel the same way after E3?
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